
Happy New Year!!!!

Last night we went to a little cocktail hour at Landon's girlfriends house. Let me tell you these two are in love....exhibit A above:

And exhibit B:

So we were celebrating the first birthday of her little brother who one day will be trying to keep Landon away from her! (forget that Landon is too fabulous and her brother will probably be his best friend.)

Then we got back here and had a nice meal and watched all the bad TV (The City- man Whitneys legs are long, The Hills- Cannot believe LC and Hiedi finally called a truce!, and Housewives of the OC- HATE THE NEW GIRL!). Then we passed out cold. Early! Waaaay early!

How did you spend your New Years?


Melissa said...

I HATE the new OC housewife too! She spoiled her kids rotten and they're so obnoxious!

I went to a small party for New Year's! I loe the pictures you posted of Landon and his girlfriend! Too cute! Happy New Year!

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Happy New Year! I love The City and The Hills! We went to next door neighbor's house and celebrated with 3 other neighbor couples. Fun time!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

I think Landon and his girlfriend are definitely the cutest couple at the playground!

I agree on the new OC housewife. I just don't like her. I can't put my finger on it, but I am not a fan.

Kiki said...

Happy New Year OFM....I'm notsomuch for the new girl either, she seems kind of...I don't know, weird.

Bridget said...

Omg - that pic is too cute. I love how her eyes are closed delivering that kiss!

Which new oc wife do you not like -Gretchen or the really new one who is 50 trying to look 25? (don't know her name yet)

kenady said...

We had a family cookout, put together a 1000 piece puzzle, came home, watched the ball drop and passed out:)

Happy New Year!

Love the pics:)

Jill said...

Happy New Years Fab. Mom. Those photos are adorable! We celebrated our anniversary last night, but were home way early, too. And I AGREE about the new housewife...YUCK! I kinda liked Lori..sorry to see her leave.

Barefoot in the Park said...

cutest picture ever!

The 5 Bickies said...

We spent the evening with 2 other families and 1 Grandad...it was great. The kids played well, the adults played well and it was a great way to ring in the new year!

Yours sounds fun too!

The Major's Wife said...

love the new picture, your little guy looks soooo happy in the water.

Anonymous said...

Landon gets cuter with each post. :)
Not to brag, but I spent MY New Year's Eve cleaning until 3 a.m.

(I need therapy.....)

p.s.~When is your due date again?

Yellow Beads said...

oh too cute! Love the new header photo too!

Suzanne said...

Too cute!

We had a snowstorm here new Year's Eve so we stayed in, made dinner and watched MTV! Loved, loved, loved The City and yes Whitney has the longest legs I've ever seen!

Kate said...

He is so freakin' cute!

Sounds like a nice NYE-I missed the Hills finale so I have to catch up asap!

Cindy said...

I have a picture of Sophie and a little boy from her day care standing there in diapers kissing each other. It is the cutest picture, and what's funny is that they are still classmates. I'm going to start charging them money for me to stop bringing out that picture! Don't lose track of this one!

The Shabby Princess said...

Oh my gosh, those pictures are too cute!!!