

I am one to just nearly kill myself leading up to Christmas, running around and trying to get everything done, only to almost collapse by the end of the year. Yes, that is my way.

I am not the only one...I know you all out there are just running yourselves ragged to make a prefect Christmas. I feel your pain. It's not just Christmas though, it's that "end of the year review" feeling.

Something about the reflecting back on the year stresses me out. I look back at things not done, not accomplished, not finished and I just want to fire myself as CEO of the Mrs. Company.

This year rather than setting up a bunch on unrealistic expectations for myself in 2009 (climb Mt. Everest while wearing new Bonanos). I am trying to look at what fun I could have in 2009.

One thing I like to do in life is miss the fun while I am running around planning the hell out of everything. This year I have but one resolution. Slow down and enjoy life! I am going to have more fun over function. More passion over purpose.

Who's with me? What are your resolutions?


MOMMY-MOMO said...

Great way to look at the new year! I too want to do this. ALong with loosing the last of the baby weight, enjoy my little guy more and play with him more, and get my house organized!

Angie said...

Great resolution!! I'm with you I try to plan and organize everything and I forget to have fun!
Happy New Year!!

PaperCourt said...

I always have the same resolutions - lose weight, get organized, etc. - and I never follow through. I like the idea of slowing down and enjoying life!
Happy 2009!

Sandra said...

It is so wonderful that you have figures this out at your young age! It took me longer, and I am still many times guilty of Planning|Organizing myself to death!! Happy New Year!!!

Preppy Lizard said...

Great Resolution! I always say lose weight, get organized..blah blah blah. This year I have decided that living each day to it's fullest no matter what and telling my family and friends I love them on a daily basis are my resolutions.

Anonymous said...

I don't make resolutions but I do make goals for the year. This year I have put dates on everything. Due to my small problem with procrastination.

BroncoMom said...

2009 our time to shine!
Bring on the fun!

Melissa said...

I want to tone up so I look good in my wedding dress! I also love the idea of just having fun!

Midwest Prep said...

That is a fantastic idea! I am going to try to be laid back mommy instead of crazy over stressed try to do too much uptight mommy- which everyone thinks I will end up being... LAID BACK...we'll see!

Cindy said...

I laughed about you firing yourself as the CEO. I was just telling Husband that as soon as our mom and pop design-build firm is done remodeling my MIL's house we should go out of business. Immediately and forever.

My resolution is to say no more. No to the MIL. No to the school. Yes to myself and my family. I'll probably go down in flames.

Yellow Beads said...

No resolutions this year for me!

Suzanne said...

Wow, I so hear you! My resolution is to seize the moment and have more fun.

WSU Laura said...

I think that is a great resolution. I have decided this year I am going to try for a less stressful and happier year along with using the word No more.

Clare said...

that sounds like a perfect resolution, and one that i need to follow as well!! xoxo, c

Elisabeth said...

Too funny--I just wrote something like this myself! I agree with needing to slow down and have fun--which is why we are working to "schedule" in do-nothing weekends. I can't wait!

Leslie said...

Great Resolution!! I usually don't make resolutions because I never follow through with them. Maybe this year I will adopt the same attitude as you and enjoy life more!! Good luck in 2009!!

Always Organizing said...

I have the same boring resolution about more exercise and getting in shape. However, I am getting married in September so that is a huge incentive to get my butt to the gym!!! I also want to entertain more...

melissa said...

Just getting caught up here with your blog.
Wonderful resolution and very realistic!
Wishing you and your a happy new year filled with health, happiness and blessings galore! :)


Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

I am with you on this. I just want to enjoy things as they come. I get so wrapped up in wanting things to be perfect, or planning too far in advance, or worrying that I don't always enjoy the moment. Let's keep each other accountable!

Happy New Year!