
Christmas Countdown! Cards and such...

Okay I will admit it. When I send Christmas cards out I do a little slash through our name and send. To top it off I use Avery labels for the addresses. Well not anymore!

After reading momx2's post I realized I had to address them myself. She made the point that we all have time to hand address while we watch our favorite shows (hello Real Housewives of OC is back on again ladies...). Very true. Annoying but true. She also said you need to write a little note. That this is the death of polite society! Well, I am not causing death so everyone is getting a little scribble with love.

So as I sat there last night signing and addressing, I was feeling proud of myself, but tired! So tired! No one said politeness and manners weren't exhausting.

We got our tree yesterday and hubby hauled out all the ornaments (is 15 storage tubs too many?) and decorations. This year I am doing a pink and green tree in honor of baby girl and Landon. I will post when it's done, but I am breaking out my Lilly Pulitzer ornaments so look out!!!

I think having a theme for your tree keeps Christmas exciting. One year I did purple and green and it was fabulous. You should have seen my glittering eggplant ornaments!!

How's your countdown to the holidays going?


Melissa said...

A pink and green tree sounds so pretty! I can't wait to see it! Ours is blue and silver this year!

Tippy said...

Oh no! I didn't mean to make more work for you! You're pregnant - if ever you had an excuse for labels, it's this year (or maybe next year!). LOL.

You're sweet. I'm so proud!

MOMMY-MOMO said...

im weird. I love writing and addressing christmas cards! hehe

Angie said...

I can't wait to see your pink and green tree! I agree writing a little note in each card is nice! I am going to try to do that this year. I like getting little notes from everyone. I do use address labels for addresses though, it saves a lot of time and I just print them out every year.

Sweet Pea Chef said...

I am guilty of this too...printed the envelopes so I don't have to write them.

Will have to hand write some...

michelle said...

Oh I want to see photos of that pink and green tree!

Monica said...

I feel bad that I don't do hand signed cards, but I am planning on addressing the envelopes. I think most people would rather have pictures of the kids anyway. :)

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

My holiday planning is going okay. I will be doing a lot of last minutes things this year.

Enjoy your week!

Jess said...

Sounds super cute can't wait to see pictures!

Clare said...

i can't wait to see the pink and green tree, please post pictures! i love that you do different trees, so fun. we are all decorated, i still have all of the cards to MAKE and mail. it is going to be a long week:) just trying to get through bradley's birthday stuff:)

Suzanne said...

I agree about hand addressing the envelopes! In fact, I will start tonight!

Can't wait to see your tree!

Anonymous said...

i just love those little ornaments! where did you get them?! mine are all glass- i guess that's my theme. I'm lazy with cards- i'm just grateful to get them out the day after thanskgiving but i read that too- and next year- i will order that stamp and do them that way. yup i will.

tiarastantrums said...

can't wait to see the tree - and I hand write all my cards too - every year - I'm getting real sick of it though!

Kiki said...

I can't wait to see the pik and green tree, it sounds awesome. Your new header photo of Landon is precious....he is so cute!!!

PaperCourt said...

Momx2's post also encouraged me to write out my cards.

Pink in a sea of blue said...

I still write out my cards, too. It's a pain, but I also feel like it means more. Can't wait to see the tree!

Pink Flamingo said...

I am anxious to see your tree…I just LOVE the Lilly ornaments!

I, too, am a huge fan of handwriting my Christmas cards, as well as including a little note...very time consuming, but I like adding the personalized touch during this busy season. Plus, it is surely to bring a little extra glee to the recipient’s day. :)

Bridget said...

oh boo - I just did my excel sheet with addresses ONLY last year for the first time. Took me too long to do - so I will be printing and peeling again! I honestly wouldn't ever even notice if my envelope was hand written or not! I am so happy to get cards :P

Kate said...

I really need to get some Lilly ornaments!