

We are back but the re-entry has been rough. I'll post more about shopping, flying with a two year old and the Christmas countdown...later!!! Off to unpack!


Sandra said...

Glad you are home safe and sound!

MOMMY-MOMO said...

serious huh! i feel the same way...

Melissa said...

Glad you're back!

Mags said...

Welcome back!!! Landon is adorable.

Clare said...

i hope you had a great turkey day!!

Cindy said...

Welcome home!! My girlfriends and I call the time from Halloween to New Years the holiday death march. As much as I enjoy it, it is exhausting! Do you some bloggers already have all their shopping done and their trees up? Not this one!

Kiki said...

No matter what you still sound perky and Landon looks precious!! So glad you are back, safe and sound....can't wait to hear all about your trip!!!

Oh, Christmas countdown...I can't wait!!!

Far From Perfect said...

Welcome back- take it easy. Your not pregant every Christmas.

Eloise said...

Welcome home!

Linda S said...

2 cute...