
Happy Turkey Day!!!!

I think Adam Sandler said it best in his song about Turkey!

"Turkey for me
Turkey for you
Lets eat the turkey
In my big brown shoe
Love to eat the turkey
At the table
I once saw a movie
With betty grable
Eat that turkey
All night long
Fifty million Elvis fans
Cant be wrong
Turkey lurkey doo and
Turkey lurkey dap
I eat that turkey
Then I take a nap

Thanksgiving is a special night
Jimmy walker used to say dynomite
Thats right
Turkey with gravy and cranberry
Cant believe the mets traded darryl strawberry
Turkey for you and
Turkey for me
Cant believe tyson
Gave that girl v.d.

White meat, dark meat
You just cant lose
I fell off my moped
And I got a bruise
Turkey in the oven
And the buns in the toaster
Ill never take down
My Cheryl Tiegs poster
Wrap the turkey up
In aluminum foil
My brother likes to masturbate
With baby oil
Turkey and sweet potato pie
Sammy davis jr.
Only had one eye

Turkey for the girls and
Turkey for the boys
My favorite kind of pants
Are corduroys
Gobble gobble goo and
Gobble gobble gickel
I wish turkey
Only cost a nickel
Oh I love turkey on thanksgiving....."

Happy thanksgiving everybody!


Angie said...

That's such a cute song! Have a great Thanksgiving!

Far From Perfect said...

I love this- I see he has a new movie??

Melissa said...

That song cracks me up!

I think I said this yesterday, but Happy Thanksgiving!

Jill said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! Have a wonderful weekend.

Yellow Beads said...

you're too funny!! :)) Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

Belle said...

Happy Thanksgiving!


Melissa @ I Pick Pretty said...

Is it OK that I have a total secret crush on Adam Sandler? I can't decide if it's because he's you, know, hilarious, or that he has a bulldog named Matzoball.

Regardless, hope you and yours are having a fab Thanksgiving!

Etiquettely Correct said...

I hope you had a great thanksgiving!!! Sorry to have been away so long but I wanted to tell you that I just read an old post about cocktail parties! hubby and I are having our first one on friday and I'm a little nervous ;-)

University of Iowa Meg said...

What a classic!!!! Thank you for bringing that blast from the past :)

Linda S said...

hope you are having a great weekend!