
Fabulously Tacky TV

The Real Housewives of Atlanta is a train wreck and I just cannot look away. I was reading that Southern Social had run into Sheree and I was just dying. I now have got my friend Tessa hooked on the show. Sorry Tessa. I needed to talk about the show with!!!

In short the show features some wealthy African American women, most of whom are married to sports stars who are raking it in. Sheree is divorced (ex sports star wife), lives in a huge house and is starting a fashion line, but has noooooooo experience just money. DeShawn is also married to a sports guy and lives in a mansion and has a charity but has no idea what she's doing. Nene, seems to be a little less wealthy but makes up for it in DRAMA. She is starting fights, and jjust found out her father is not her father. Then there's Lisa, who has a new baby and is in real estate, jewelry, just everything!

The wild card is Kim, who is white. She's a chain smoking, wine drinking 29 year old who looks 49 and has this mysterious sugar daddy she calls "Big Papa". Let's be clear, she's a prostitute. She is bought with diamonds and cars. She also is trying to get a singing career going and good God she cannot sing. Told you this was good.

They have been fighting and acting less than classy which of course drew me in more!!!

In addition to watching this trash I am hooked on Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Making the Team 3. Make no mistake I watched the first two seasons as well. I love to see them learn the routines and bust their tiny hineys. Those DCC outfits are SMALL and they work hard to fit in them!

What Tacky TV are you watching? I cannot wait for Real Housewives of the OC to start, but I am bummed about Lori's son being hooked on heroin!


Kim said...

I guess I could watch the others (OC and NY) without being offended--I just figured that's how it is on "the coasts", but I'm totally offended by my town being represented by these women.

Believe me, none of those chicks will show up in the Social Butterfly's column in the AJC. There's a different column that follows the flash and trash crowd called Peach Buzz and I think I have seen a thing or two about them there.

I can't keep them straight, although I think that Sheree and Kim are the dregs, NeNe is a wanna-be and the other two (NBA wife and NFL wife) seem to be nicer but clueless.

It's back to the History Channel for me! (or hard as I try, I cannot look away from those white trash trainwrecks! ha!)

Far From Perfect said...

Somedays this kind of Tv just fits the bill... I'm afraid it might suck out my brain.

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

Trainwreck is right! It is horrific but I just can't stop watching!

Angie said...

I couldn't get into the Atlanta housewives, but I love the OC housewives! I didn't know that about Lori's son, how sad! I also love the DCC! I watch it every season

The Shabby Princess said...

Ok, so, I live in Dallas and the lady who does my hair, also does 4 of the DCC girls hair. It makes me feel like I'm all sorts of awesome. And yes, I love the obsessive crazy trainwreck that is DCC--I mean seriously, some of the girls that try out--it's just painful. Ah, I love it. Nothing like trashy TV!

Anonymous said...

OMG - you are addicted to the exact same trashy TV shows as I! I LOVE the Real Housewives - I can't wait for the new OC housewives - especially the feuding that is sure to occur between Tamara and the new girl. And I am also completely hooked on the DCC shown. My secret dream is to be a DCC - but unfortunately I have 20 too many years and pounds! On a different note, I happen to have 1 of the Lily Pulitzer dresses that mentioned wanting to buy for your new baby (the pink jumper with seahorses) that my baby girl wore once before growing out of it. I have a 2nd baby on the way as well, but we just found out it's a boy and so the jumper will not be needed. I would love to send it to you as a thank you for the enjoyment that your blog gives me. Just let me know - P.S. Did you notice the epilogue at the end of the last show - Kim and Big Poppa broke up . . . . after dating for 7 months! (She gave the impression they had been in love for years . . . all I can think is her poor daughters - they don't have a chance . . . .)

The 5 Bickies said...

I tried to watch the real housewives and couldn't take it. Too much of a trainwreck for me. I never watched the OC and wonder what happened to NYC. Do you know?

WSU Laura said...

It is a trainwreck and I cannot believe how these grown women act.Don't get me wrong, I love to watch both shows and cannot wait for the "reunion" because the sweet NFL wife is about to brawl with Kim. As far as DCC I like to see if I agree with their picks. What a beautiful group of talented young women.

MOMMY-MOMO said...

i must be out of the loop? never heard of it. and just starting to hear about this twilight book everywhere? I need to get with it :)

mommy2davin said...

I watch this show too and it is a "hot mess". Perfect for Hotlanta.

Yellow Beads said...

man, everyone is blogging about this today--I have never watched it!

Always Organizing said...

OMG. "Let's be clear, she's a prostitute." had me laughing out loud! Best line in the whole post, too funny :)

Tippy said...

I think I watched 1/2 of the first episode. I couldn't handle it. I'm so embarrassed FOR them, I can't watch.

My husband and I watched Parking Wars on A&E last night. Basically it's COPS but instead of police, it's the parking authority of Philly and they get into repeated arguments with the people they just gave tickets to. It was entertaining, but I'm afraid it killed some IQ points.

Melissa said...

I loooove all the Real Housewife series! I can't wait for the OC one to start again!

I liked the Atlanta one the more I watched it. I think Nene is my favorite because she's funny and tells it like it is. I cannot stand Sheree. She is such a b*tch. I pretty much agree with all the comments you wrote in this entry about the other ladies!

Preppy Mama said...

OMG it is such a train wreck and yes I am obsessed with it too! I think it is so tacky, but maybe that's why I just can't seem to stop watching. I can't wait to see the showdown with the reunion episode next week. I can not wait to see Real Housewives of OC too!! I watch Dallas Cheerleaders as well. I was a cheerleader all through HS and I can't stop watching it!

Clare said...

I have only watched that show a few times, but I agree, totally tacky and you just can't STOP!! i love top chef and project runway. tori and dean home sweet hollywood is great! i must say i love them all...huge addiction!

Kiki said...

I have completely fallen for the the Real Housewives... series, in fact I just love Bravo for all its cheesy goodness!!! So sad about Lauri's son...every opportunity in the world open to him and he walks that path....

DCC...I just watched that the other night and went to bed feeling completely insecure about the 40 pounds I need to lose...I'll never watch again!!

Anonymous said...

when I heard that the white chick was only 29, I said the same thing- she looked 49! white trash. they are all trashy.

Mrs. R said...

All of it is just one bowl of hot mess. I love how none of the women were even born in GA. None. Bravo couldn't find a real socialite? Oh yeah,I forgot, real class wouldn't want to be on television disgracing their family name. I saw a clip of the reunion finale and I just sat there with my mouth open.

BRAVO knows how to make a train wreck a classic.

Jess said...

Love, love, love it, the OC was definitely my fave, but the Atlanta series OMG, I might have a new wrinkle from scrunching my face so much while watching. And the Dallas Cheerleaders -feel bad for those girls self-esteem who don't make it. If some lady was smacking my fat all day, I think I'd end up punching her out (not really, but I'd dream about it)!

cancersucks said...

I am a reality tv addict. Last summer after my surgery and then during chemo & radiation those crazy shows got me through it all...with no repeats during the summer! I feel sorry for NeNe and Kim has THE worse singing voice I have ever heard. She is a prostitute for sure. The Amazing Race still my fave reality show.

Bridget said...

Gotta love that Bravo! They have the recipe for the perfect reality shows! I also love this show - my husband told me last Tuesday that my tv viewing choices are starting to "scare" him! He just doesn't get it! The reunion looks to be beyond fab and drama packed too! Tivo's set :)

Hillcrest Acres said...

I too loved The Real Housewives of OC. The New York wives did nothing for me - just blah to me. The Atlanta wives are a train wreck.

The only one that seems to have any class and have a nice personality is Lisa. Kim is 29!!!! I'm shocked. I would have guessed around 40. NeNe has no class but she seems to be honest (honesty is a plus to me). DeShawn is a little to high on herself. And Sheree...oh my.. where do I begin. Way to snobby. She thinks she is "all that". She may be pretty but the personality is not. Which in my book counts for much more than looks.

I'm interested to see what happens on the reunion show. I'm really looking forward to the season opener for the Orange County girls.

ilovepink said...

I love Dr 90210. I think the new episodes are over:(

Karen said...

I loved the Real Housewives of OC. I've watched a few episodes of Atlanta and agree it's a train
wreck and too funny. I cannot believe Kim is I thought she was in her 40s. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
