Let me interrupt Girl Week to remind you about Clemson girls Christmas swap! Cannot wait!
Now on to my baby girl....
As my sister in law said to me recently, having a baby girl is like having the ultimate "girl friend experience". It's exciting to think I'll be able to share so many wonderful moments with her.
There are some things that both Landon and baby girl will learn:
Thank you notes are not optional, must be sent in a timely manner and be gracious.
Treat everyone with respect, whether they are a waitress, a doctor or the president.
Be a good sport, a team player, and know some good jokes.
Of course there is much much more....
But in baby girls specific case I am raising a little lady. I don't want her too be to dependent on anyone, but also not so independent that there's no room for anyone to come into her life.
I want her and I to have a good relationship, but I am her Mother not her friend. That doesn't mean we won't get pedicures together, it just means that she needs to respect my authority.
I want her to be strong and feminine. Polite but not a pushover. I want her to be friendly but not willing to compromise her values.
I also want her to have compassion and a social conscience. Tall order right? What do you want for you kids? Boys or girls? What do you want to teach them?
Of course, my children are grown and gone, - son and daughter -BUT - I'll answer anyway :) I did want them to be Christians (they are), use the best manners and etiquette (they do - son has a wonderful wife so that helps- haha) and treat people the way they would want to be treated (they do), stand up for yourself, but never be mean to people, keep your reputation intact, strive for excellence in every task (it'll pay off later for sure) ... Taught PD not to be a drama queen or partake in such - (I succeeded there). Now, they are not perfect and I don't ever want to imply that, but they are great people. And I will add that you are so smart NOT to be their friend - NOW. But if you raise them as a parent - not friend - you can be BEST friends with them when they are grown. My PD is one of my best friends ever and it is wonderful! Enjoy every minute - it is the BEST time - not always easy but the BEST!!
Beautifully said! She is one lucky girl to have such a great mom :)
Yay for little girls!!! Well, when I do have children, I want them to be kind to others, not afraid to be smart (because, remember when being smart was sooooo uncool?), stand up for their beliefs--hold fast in those beliefs, and always know that their family loves them.
I had such a wonderful relationship with my mother and I know you'll have a wonderful relationship with your daughter!
This is a great list! My only additions would be for my girls to have the following:
1. a strong spirituality, whatever form that might take
2. an appreciation for/love of the outdoors
3. perfect grammar and near perfect spelling :-)
4. a love of reading
I hope my son will be courteous and chivalrous. I hope he will have a sense of honor and loyalty. He will learn all of these from my husband who is amazing in the way he takes care of his wife. I will teach him to have empathy and compassion and to be polite. I think traditional manners are so important and give you an air of confidence and self assuredness that I hope to pass to my son. In summary I hope to raise a little man into a big man who knows how to be crazy and silly, but always with a brain and with a consience.
I am sure you will raise a sweet little baby girl- and your example will make sure of it. I think the second child (judging from my brother and my husband's sister) is always a challenge. Just make sure you set the same high expectations as you do for the first- otherwise they will get away with EVERYTHING!
I made up a song for my daughter
about this. I haven't sang it in
awhile. It is to the tune of
'You are my sunshine.'
My darling Paige
My dearest Paige
I have but 3 wishes for you
May you be healthy, thougtful
and confident
That is what I hope for you
I think for pretty little girls, it's important to tell them more than how pretty they are. My niece is a gorgeous child but it worries me sometimes how much emphasis her mom puts on being pretty. I tell my boys every morning how handsome they look (before they get all dirty!) but it is never the emphasis. I think it would be harder if it's a very pretty girl - but emphasizing her kindness and intelligence is way more important, IMO.
I agree with everything you said and I wish my students' parents raised them that way!
Love Preppy 101's answer. I agree with everything she mentioned. Having a grown daughter and seeing herself in her is-truly rewarding. Maybe I did something right??
woooo hoooo - you are having a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is awesome - I am so happy for you :)
I loved your list, I am sure that your daughter will grow up to be a wonderful woman...just like her mama!!!
My mom always said (when we would fight)"You don't have to love me, but you are going to respect me." Now, as an adult, I love and respect her to the ends of the earth!!!
Congratulations on your baby GIRL! i am the mother of 3 girls! 12, 8,5 and they are a handful, but pure joy! they will always be there... You are right, a Mother first.. God Bless you and your family!
Hey! Did you get my comment with my email? Here it is again: meghanhasselberg@gmail.com
Maybe we can exchange some emails and I can get an idea of what you might like for the holiday swap!!
Congrats on your minnie! I just knew it was a girl. You are so blessed. I visited our alma mater last Sat. The cafeteria (or should I say cafe?) has a fresh sushi bar now. Can you believe that?! After the year I have had I wish for my children health, good friends and true love. Pink and brown are my favorites. I do agree with another blogger about thinking about the future. My daughter's room is neutral paint with pink "hope faith love" stenciling (from 9 years ago!) and it has grown with her. We just changed to pink leopard bedding from the quilted ballerinas she used to have! Whatever you decide....enjoy. And I'm sure Landon will love his new big boy room. Although my baby (3 1/2) still sleeps in his crib. Go figure!! Strasburg has great smocked dresses. And ebay and etsy are a whole new shopping world. Enjoy!
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