
Our Next President

Yes we can.


Maria said...

Woo!!! I am SO glad that I voted in PA as opposed to NY.

CashmereLibrarian said...

I haven't felt so hopeful in...eight years.

Kate said...


I have to admit I am actually a bit more excited about your ultrasound results ;)

Anonymous said...

So excited about the election results - we were up until almost 1 watching.

You guessed right, by the way. After what happened last winter, I'm trying not to get too excited yet. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Anonymous said...

It's so exciting - you lucky people!! Can you clone him please and send mark 2 over to replace our dreadful PM?! :)

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

I'm so thankful we finally have a new president. I hope we move in the right direction during the next four years.

Enjoy your week! I am excited to hear your big announcement Friday!

Yellow Beads said...

(BELCH!), ugh.

Angie said...

Yeah!! I am so excited, I loved his acceptance speech!!

Always Organizing said...

Yay!!! I was dancing and cheering all night long while watching the polls :)

Belle said...



Surf Girl said...

That was pretty exciting to watch history last night! I may not agree with all of his ideas, but I am glad to see a change and I am very hopeful for the future.

Clare said...

his speech was amazing! i was literally in tears last night. what a great step for our country and for little bradley to grow up in a totally different united states! yes we can:)!!

Melissa said...

I am SO happy! America got it right this time! :D

Mrs. R said...

I am still smiling!!!

Tickled Pink And Green said...

I guess if your politics are leftwing radical then you're happy because that's what the man is. So no, as a christian conservative I'm not happy.

But let's look on the bright side, at least Michelle can finally be proud of her country.


Anonymous said...

It's fine to be Christian. But Christian Conservatives have made it their personal goal for the last 8 years to push their outlandish social/moral agenda on the rest of us. As a gay male I am tired of living as a second class citizen. I always had the impression that Christians 'loved everyone', apparently I was wrong. I guess I am like Michele Obama too. I can finally be proud to live in a country where I feel as though I am equal to everyone else.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to know what agenda has been pushed on you, and what rights you don't have anymore. Seriously, I'd love to know! I hear that a lot, but I never can find anyone to give any examples.

Anonymous said...

An example huh?

How about the proposition from our current president for a gay marriage amendment? I guess that little one slipped your mind?


If you need more examples...I'd be happy to go on.