
Celebrity Look Alikes! A movie Review and a Giveaway!

I saw this on Jillian's Blog and had to do it!!!! I thought this would be fun for you too!

I'm kinda psyched to look like "Half Pint"!!!

As for the movie review, while hubby was away I watched "Catch and Release". Now I do not love Jennifer Garner, and the beginning voice over BUGGED me, but I hung in there because of the story and ended up bawling! I loved that it was set in Colorado and was full of cool mountain and outdoorsy shots. It was a chick flick but I think it has heart and maybe even hubby would like it! Go rent it!!!

Now for the give away!!!!!!

In honor of "Girl Week", I am giving away some serious girl reading. Something Borrowed and the sequel "Something Blue", by Emily Griffin.

Serious Chick Lit and fluff reading but I could NOT PUT IT DOWN!
The sequel is amazing because it tackles the story from another characters point of view and continues the story! I wish there were ten more in the series!!! Who wants them!? Perfect plane reading for the holiday!!! Leave a comment to enter!


Anonymous said...

oooh! I 'd love at least one- I had the yellow one (somewhere) and can't find those in my bookstore- for some reason I hate onlinne shopping so I won't so you see? I"M SO DEPRIVED!

Jessi said...

I would love to enter, but unfortunately I will be reading study materials for Continuing Ed credits due by end of the year and I have about 6 classes to do...I know procrastinator. Thanks for the give away though!!

Andy said...

All girl. All the time. At my house. LOVE your girlie giveaway! Congrats on a boy AND a girl for your house!

Kate said...

I can't believe the celebrity match for you did not include Reese Witherspoon! I've always thought you looked quite a bit like her - and definitely in that picture.

I'd love the books:)

The Shabby Princess said...

You know I love me some chick lit!! (that is, after all, what I am writing) I haven't read those books yet and yesterday at Barnes & Noble, my friend nearly yelled at me for being so uncool because I've yet to read them. What a fabulous solution to my problem! hee hee

Thanks for the tip on the movie--I haven't seen it yet!

Always Organizing said...

Half Pint! I love it! Little House was my favorite show. Little House and Knight Rider. Weird, huh? What can I say, I'm half German and we sure love Hasselhoff...
ps. Great giveaway!

PaperCourt said...

Pick me, pick me!

Claire said...

Thanks for the movie idea and the books - by Friday night that is exactly what I want - not "War and Peace"!!!

Melissa @ I Pick Pretty said...

I'm with Kate - I agree that you look most like Reese Witherspoon. Beautiful and elegant, the both of you!

I have both of those Emily Giffin books already, but wanted to say what a nice giveaway.

Have a great weekend, girl mama-to-be!

Anonymous said...

Put me down s'il vous plait! I could do with a good chick lit read since I am drowning in student papers!

Debra said...

Yes, I loved 'Catch and Release' too. But I also had to hang in there for a few before the waterworks started. Great books, too.

Pink in a sea of blue said...

When I was little I was told I looked like half pint- not a compliment at the time as I needed braces and couldn't cover up my freckles, but she is a gorgeous grownup! I would have thought Reese Witherspoon as well for you! Count me in on the giveaway. I love the girlie lit.

The 5 Bickies said...

What an awesome giveaway! I loved both of no need to enter me. Baby Proof was fun but I just read her latest, LOVE THE ONE YOU ARE WITH, and was so disappointed. The first two were definitely the best!

Jill said...

I think you had great "matches". And I had Judy Dentch, too??? I'd love to enter the give-away. I've heard of both books and would love to read at least one. Thanks so much.

Elisabeth said...

Ooooh...I loved these books. Even after I read them, I picked them up on audio and listened to them in the car! Super fun easy reads! Have you ever read any of the Sophie Kinsella books? Hers are a ton of fun too; constantly have me laughing!

Kate said...

Ok, so the son of the main guy in Catch and Release (I think his name is Tim olyphant or something like that) was one of my campers at UCLA! His son was SO cute and he was definitely a hot dad (and very nice and involved in his kids' lives)

lizziefitz said...

Sign Me up! Please. I am in need of some good chic reads. Thanks for the entry:)

Genuine Lustre said...

I have done this celebrity match several times and I always end up with Jessica Biel and a bunch of oriental folks that I've never heard of. My family tree does not include any Asian blood, so I find this hilarious.

Live.Love.Eat said...

I loved that movie with Jennifer Garner. So, how are jew? Just kidding, couldn't resist. I would love a bagel with cc and lox right now!!!! I should try it with capers next time to give it a shot again. Thanks for coming by to say hi!!!!

BroncoMom said...

I would love to enter your giveaway.
Please enter BroncoMom into the pot of contenders for your giveaway.
Thanks so much.