
Fabulous Mom- Interview with Marie my sister in law!

I haven't done one of these in a while and really, they are my favorite thing. I love to see how other Mom's live and how they get through motherhood!!!

My sister in law Marie is an incredible woman. After years of fertility she adopted a precious girl and then a boy. She is a lottery winner because these kids are the best in the world. She works as a pediatrician but still manages to have the happiest and most well rounded kids I know.

Here's how she answered my usual set of questions:

1. How would you describe yourself?
Organized and energetic.

2. How do you continue to follow your passions and dreams while being a mom?
I continue to care for children as I work 4 days a week as a pediatrician.

3. How has motherhood changed you?
I have become more patient and understanding.

4. What do you do for yourself so that you can still be Fabulous?
I make time for me! I go to the gym at 5am a few mornings a week. I go out with girlfriends once a month and treat myself to pedicures!

5. What is the best mom advice you’ve ever gotten?
Get yourself some girlfriends!

6. What are your top five Fabulous must haves?
1) a cute diaper bag!
2)Clorox cleanup
3) a wipe board on the back of the door for reminders
4) a cleaning lady!
5) a great camera

7. Complete this sentence: “Being……makes me One Fabulous Mom.
Being fulfilled with myself makes me One Fabulous Mom.

If you or someone you know would like to play along and do the interview I will feature you! Let me know!!


Jen said...

I love this! Great concept. I too strive to be energetic and
organized. : )

MOMMY-MOMO said...

good interview. Oh and I love your dress!

Clare said...

what a great idea!! i love this, can i try it on my blog? XO, C