
Christmas Shopping With The Mrs!

I was looking for something to do at home once I quit my part time job to stay home with baby girl, but my boss beat me to it! Laid me off because there was nothing to do!

Trust me, I was making things up!!!! I joined a company called SO LUXE. They have Christmas cards, stationary, and fabulous gifts. Stuff I want!!!!
I am now a consultant for them and I am selling some reallllllly cute stuff!!!

Along with Christmas cards by Prints Charming, Boatman Geller etc....

I am selling plates...

Plates! 1 for $20, 4 for $60

Cutting Boards! $39

Coasters! Set of 4 is $35!

Post it cubes! $30!

Luggage tags! 2 for $20!

You can see more at! (Just let me know if you order on line because you need my name to put in as a consultant.)

If you want to order gifts or Holiday Cards let me know!!


Yellow Beads said...

cute finds, as always!

Sweet Pea Chef said...

SO adorable! Working on my Christmas list now...but will let you know!!

Sandra said...

Those prices are fabulous!! Especially the plates. I will let you know what I decide to order!!

Suzanne said...

ooh, thanks for sharing! Going to check it out right now!

Kiki said...

I am a Post It cubes freak...can I get it with a mongram on it???

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

First of all, congrats on the baby girl! I knew it!!! I am so happy for you and your family. You will have so much fun with her. The bond between my little girl and I gets stronger every day!

Second-I miss all my blogger friends! I fully intend to get back to blogging ASAP when life slows down a bit. I was getting dresses this AM and had the thought that I bet you knew what you were having by now and so I jumped online to check it out!

I will be back, promise!

Cindy said...

Good for you! This sounds like a great opporunity!

Maybe you can host Kelly's Kids parties--you would love their stuff!

Anonymous said...

Too cute! I am always looking for things to do at home. Unfortunately my full time paralegal job gets in the way LOL. Those are really cute!

Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to do something like this myself for extra money AND I love stationery. I'm going to check out the website. Good luck!

~Elizabeth in KY

Anonymous said...


Cute stuff and I especially love the personalized plates. I'm ready to order a bunch! Is the 2 for $20 a special sale you are offering? The website shows the pricing as 1 for $20, so I just wanted to clarify. Thanks and good luck with the sales!

The Mrs. said...

Whoops! No it's one for 20. If you order on line you just need my name as sales consultant. Just leave me an email if you need it!

ilovepink said...

What cute things! I am going to check it out!