
Get Involved! Vote!

What is it about voting that warms my heart so much? I just feel so American when I do. You think about the women that fought so hard for this right, and it is disrespectful NOT to vote!

Today we have Mommy and Me preschool class and I am dragging Landon to the polls before hand! I want to get my vote in! I know some people think it doesn't matter, but you can't complain about the way things are in this country unless you choose to speak up! I am voting on a bunch of different things and done my research. I am ready! Are you?

Last night my small group discussed the book we are reading together "The Shack". This book is a deep river I tell ya. It really delves into faith, or lack of faith, due to a terrible tragedy. It's brought up some amazing things.

Yesterday I got the call that the amnio was normal. I just cried! I was so happy. I know the sex...and will reveal on Friday!!!!!!!


Claire said...

So happy for you for the test results!!! When I was pregnant I found this verse and I love to share it with other moms and I pray this for you:
Isaiah 40:11
"He tends His flock like a shepherd;
He gathers the lambs in His arms
and carries them close to His heart;
He gently leads those that have young."
I read The Shack by myself and wish I had a book group to talk about it with - I'm curious about what you thought of it.

Mrs.Preppy said...

Glad to hear that the results were good!

Also, we just started reading The Shack in our bible study... not sure what I think of it just yet. I am only 80 pages in.

Pink in a sea of blue said...

I want to read that book, too! So glad to hear your test results were normal! And we have to wait until Friday to know the sex??? Ok. I'll be patient!

Angie said...

Yeah!! I am so happy the results were good! I voted this morning too, I can't wait to see the results!!

Jessi said...

Can't wait to hear!!! Glad everything is okay.

Always Organizing said...

So happy to hear about the results! Can't wait to hear on Friday :)

My fiance and I voted this morning and I feel so proud to do so. It is wonderful to live in a country where we can express out opinions and vote peacefully.

Mags said...

I read The Shack last month. I just BAWLED!!! It was a good read, but, boy, was it emotional?

Great news on your amnio!!! I know you must feel such relief. Friday??? Why are you torturing us now? LOL

Belle said...

Thank goodness! I'm so glad the results are good!!
Thinking of you...

On my way to vote right now. You're right. It would be an insult not to vote. I love my country. :)

Scarlet O'Kara said...

First off...yeah that you got the test results and have a wonderful and healthy baby...and I will check back on Friday for the Gender Reveal. I still think you are having a girl...but the most important news and that the baby is healthy!!!

Secondly, yeah to you for voting! It is a honor that I take very seriously...and another yeah to you for doing your research.

MOMMY-MOMO said...

I have to head to the voting polls with a crazy toddler! oh boy...lets hope this goes well and there's no line. ha!

Surf Girl said...

Congratulations on the test results!!! I know that is a big weight off of your heart. I voted early and did some serious research this time. For many reasons, I had a really hard time deciding. It felt good to finally make a decision.
I can't wait to hear what you're having!!!

Sweet Pea Chef said...

Hooray! So happy to hear that baby is healthy...what an answer to prayer!

Melissa said...

I'm so happy everything is normal! You are SO mean to make us wait till Friday for the sex! :P I can't wait to know!

Married for Keeps said...

what great news! so glad all is normal! funny you mentioned about feeling so patriotic - i actually got teary eyed when i went to the polls today. we live in a country where we can still exercise our right to vote. that's huge.

Kim said...

I was behind one of our friends who brought his kids and he let them take turns doing the touch screen!

Caffeine Court said...

The most important news today is that your results were good!! YAY!

I love how I feel after I vote.

I am praying for a miracle tonight!!!!

cancersucks said...

What great news. I am guessing girl by the exclamation points, but 2 boys rock, too!!

Readings, Recipes and Rambles said...

Congrats on the results!!! I would have cried!!!
I am #18 on the waiting list at the library for 'The Shack'...not bad since I started at #62!!!!! Looking forward to a good read!!

Clare said...

of course i voted;) I am so glad that your amnio came back normal. that is wonderful news, i am sure you are overjoyed. now you can sit back and enjoy the rest of the pregnancy:)

Sandra said...

Wonderful news on the amnio... Great!!

Eloise said...

Oh, Mrs., I am SO very happy to hear of your good test results! Thanks for taking the time to share the good news with us. I look forward to hearing *the rest of the story* on Friday. :)

Kiki said...

I am so excited for you guys that all is well with little baby. I can't wait to hear what this one will be...I can't wait to Friday...remember to post early for us East Coasters who get up early...I'm dying to know!!!

Jen said...

dying to know the results!! of little baby's gender that is!

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

I'm teary!! What great news!! I am SO HAPPY for you!

And, girl! You better give me a call next summer when you are at the G'Brier!

Can't wait for Friday!!

Anonymous said...

So glad you're "normal"! You're seriously making us wait until Friday?!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that the amnio came back ok. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for a girl - but either way - congratulations!

James Michael said...

Great news! Can't wait to hear the sex!

Elisabeth said...

I am so happy for your test results! Can't wait until Friday!!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Congrats on your normal amnio and thank you for stopping by!!!! I am still in the middle of the The Shack and have been very slow with it for some reason. I feel it's a good read though I haven't been picking it up as often as I would like.

Leslie said...

It does feel "American" do vote! Glad I ended up doing it! I can't wait to hear the sex of the baby! I will definitely be checking your blog on Friday!! Not sure if I have told you this, but I love your blog. I love the celebrity sitings too! If I lived in LA, I would totally be stalking them out!! The few times I visited, I just loved running into a celebrity on the street or shopping in the same store as I was...somehow it made me feel "cool." I am definitely adding your blog to my daily reads!!

lizziefitz said...

Friday seems so far away!!!! I am thrilled for you:) xoxoxoxox!!!!

The 5 Bickies said...

Yeah for NORMAL!
Now for the sex...can't wait!

Yes I voted too. I talked to a new citizen who was so overwhelmed to be able to vote in this election. She couldn't leave her polling place. She wanted to stay and take it ALL in. Sure makes you see the right to vote in a whole new light.

Suzanne said...

Glad everything is okay! Can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl!

Petunia said...

Yay and congratulations on the normal amnio! Now you can relax and enjoy! :)

Cindy said...

Oh, what wonderful news!!! Can't wait to hear the rest of it on Friday!

We always vote by absentee ballot so I can sit down and sift through all my campaign lit. It's certainly more convenient, but I do sort of miss my trip to the polling place.