
Gestational Diabetes- The Party is Over!

Getting diagnosed with gestational diabetes has been a blessing and a curse. On the one hand I was a Sugar addict. I mean I was cracked out on candy corns, frosted cookies and ice cream drowning in butterscotch sauce. I swear I couldn't help myself. Now with a dietitian harassing, I mean helping me with my diet, I have to be accountable.

On the other hand, I hate to say it, but I feel better. The sugar monkey is off my back. What do they have me eating?

Egg with cheese and wheat toast in the am.
Yogurt and handful of nuts for snack.
1/2 sandwich or salad with protein for lunch
Cottage cheese and tomatoes for afternoon snack
and no carbs at dinner.
I can still have a little dessert, but most nights I don't

Yes, the party is over.

If anyone has any good sugar free and low carb tips for meals or snack hand them over!!!

I am announcing the winner of my give away on Wed! So leave a comment if you want to get in on it!!!


Katie Ryan said...

Awww, you poor thing! I, too, am a sugar addict, so I have absolutely no advice for you. But I am so impressed by your willpower. I just don't know if I have it in me to cut back on the sugar.

Alison said...

Hello! Unfortunately, I don't have any good no-sugar recipes because the "sugar monkey" is still definitely on my back! I am SO proud of you for kicking the sugar habit though. I know I definitely have an addiction!

Have a wonderful day!

Belle said...

I'm so sorry you have to go through this! I had GD with my youngest. The good things are I kept my weight WAY down, I felt great and my husband ate what I ate and he felt great, too. After I had him, I was so fit and trim and got so many "you don't look like you just had a baby" compliments. But I didn't stick with it and ended up gaining a lot of weight back. My advice...try to stick with it after. Hope you continue to feel great! Good luck!

Have a great day!

Genuine Lustre said...

I find that feta cheese is a must for eating higher protein. For breakfast I scramble an egg with a colored bell pepper and sprinkle with feta. It's good on a salad with grapes too.

I can get by with out dessert, but not without cheese!

There is also a really good sharp cheese with cranberries that is sold at Christmas time - I"ve seen it at Sam's Club. So yummy with sliced ripe pear.

Are you familiar with the Brewer Diet? recommended by the Bradley Method and I think the site is

MOMMY-MOMO said...

omg that sucks! i'm sorry. My best friend had this and the good news is she gained like no extra weight during her pregnancy and looked back to her normal self right away. Me on the other hand had some poundage to loose :)

Andy said...

Oh girl, I feel your pain! There is NOTHING in life that could motivate me stop eating goey frosted things. In great abundance. Except a baby! And don't even get me started on the Halloween candy mini Twix bars. I finally made my husband take everything to work! On a more positive note, I fit into clothes TWO WEEKS after Boo was born, that I hadn't worn in YEARS! I have to say that I have not been as diligent this time around on this diet. But I have had to do it a LOT longer. I'm a big fan of grilled ham and cheese on wheat. It satisfies that goey craving but is packed with protein. Smoked almonds have also been a great protein packed snack for me. And baby girl #2 sulks all day on Saturday until HH takes us to Taco Bell for a bean an cheese burrito. Then she does the loopty loops. Send your protein packed ideas MY way will you?

Genuine Lustre said...

Looks like blueribbonbabies is down right now. Try this:

Andy said...

Also, Wendy's has the light lemonade on tap. That is where I head when I think I need something sweet. The trick is to order a medium lemonade at the drive through and not the HUGE frosty that you can't get off your mind when you pull up!

I made my husband stop at Wendy's bringing Boo home from the hospital and order me the biggest frosty they had, WITH m&m's. It was gone before we hit the highway. This is a sad but true story.

I vowed to keep up the good eating after baby #1. My current body is evidence that did NOT occur.

Pigtails and Pacifiers said...

I hate that you are having to go through this. I am so glad I passed mine. But, you will probably look fabulous after your baby girl is born and I will look like I am still prego. I like sugar free jello with whipped cream on top. Good Luck! I can't wait to see what the giveaway is.

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

Good luck with your diet! I am glad that you are feeling better. I certainly need to cut back on my sugar intake too. I don't eat a lot of processed food, but I do eat too much sugar.

Enjoy your week!

ms. mindless said...

i just looked up the olde avesbury! it is busy, but REALLY cool. i love it!

Jess said...

hey fab mom, i'm sooo sorry for you, i'd die if i couldn't have my fix. here is a good site that i like:

Anonymous said...

Hey stranger! How are you feeling? I've been MIA lately, busy with work, crafts, holiday hoopla, and so on. I'll try to dig up some recipes and send them your way.

bb4mich said...

Breyers double churned ice cream sugar free is delicious! Try it- you'll love it. By the way another blogger, went down to our alma mater this weekend and they are selling Vineyard Vines ties with the "sun" at the bookstore!!! SOOOO cute!

Anonymous said...

I had GD when I was preggy and I have to say that it was a great thing for me. I gave up the sugar and didn't gain as much weight as I would have. I did still crave the sugar so I purchased a ton of sugar free things to eat and it helped. I had a lot of complications on that pregnancy but not because of the GD, I was also diagnosed with high blood pressure, or preeclampsia. Good luck you, and congrats!

The Rockin' Wife said...

I had GD with one of my girls.... Eating "less sugar" and "less carbs" helped me tremendously after the baby was born. Like I was able to shed the baby weight SUPERFAST. The other one, where I ate a ton of desserts, (because hey, I am pregnant, right?) notsomuch. I ate so many bowls of ice cream and Krispy Kreme doughnuts.....

K Giorgio said...

i'm a huge south beach diet fan -- and it's a great way of eating for GD moms to be -- i'd search SBD recipes and you'll come up with plenty -- ivillage has a good south beach recipe message board. my go to sugar free dessert is ff/ss choc pudding with cool whip -- YUM.
also -- great blog for low carb/low sugar cooking is

hope that helps!!

Clare said...

oh, i was so addicted to milkshakes and brownies when I was pregnant, but you will probably feel better once the baby is born. all of that healthy eating!! good job mommy:)

Mags said...

Good luck managing the GD. I hope you are feeling better.

University of Iowa Meg said...

I'm sorry to hear about the gestational diabetes! How does that all happen? I am a little niave as I have never had children....I look forward to hearing back from you about the swap!

Anonymous said...

OMG poor thing! All I know is that Jell-o with lite Cool Whip is a good choice and it makes me leaving satisfied on my sweet kick...but look- I so want to cook a pavlova's that time for me. But Jell-o let's talk Jell-o. :)

Kiki said...

OFM, it sounds like you have some great tips here....I am not so much for sweet treats, but chocolate and carbs like bread are my downfall...I try to watch what I eat though as far as bread is concerned, like a make pizza for Ken and I out of pita,(i.e, use pesto sauce for the base with feta, spinach and kalamata olives...yum)

The book that you spoke of...if it helped you then I would love a copy, but hate for you to go through the trouble...I can always try to find it at my local Barnes...e mail me at kikbee@yahoodotcom. Thanks again friend, {{hugs}} to you!!

I'll be keeping you in my prayers...

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear that you have to go on a gestational diabetes diet. But it is good to hear that you feel better, especially since I am a sugar junkie who really needs to get off the sugar wagon, too! I think I am going to try your diet to see if I can kick the habit.

Also, I had a friend that had to go on a gestational diabetes diet with her first child, and the good part about it was that she didn't have nearly as much weight to lose after pregnancy.

Jill said...

Ohhhh... sorry to hear you have G.D. but that "new" menu sounds pretty good. I had the opposite - very low blood sugar - but they neglected to tell me until almost my 7th month. Then they recommended I drink gatorade every day and I felt so much better. Take care!

Surf Girl said...

I'm sorry your sugar party is over! :) I'm glad you're feeling better though. I didn't really want much sugar when I was pregnant, but the constant cravings for Quarter Pounders did me in!! A good friend of mine sent my dad some sugar-free pie recipes last year. I'll go through my emails and get them over to you.