
Girl Party Week! Pinking up the Nursery!

I am starting to look for ideas for baby girls nursery. I am moving her into Landon's room, which is currently a soft minty green. I was thinking I'd add pink (of course), now I'm thinking I'm going to paint the whole room pink! I think it will also help Landon to feel like it's not his room anymore.

Here are some gorgeous nursery's I've found: (The one above is from Pottery Barn Kids don't you loooove the monogram on the wall?)
This next one, also from PBK, incorporates a little green and a little nature which I love too.

Restoration Hardware has a whole new baby line...did you know? They are doing a lot f chocolate and pink:

This is just gorgeous too:

I Just got my subscription to Domino Magazine and there are some cool ideas in there too! Any suggestions?


Kim said...

Ooh, love that last picture! (They're all adorable, though) You're going to have so much fun with the decorating!

michelle said...

They are all so cute, but I do love the little birdies from PBK!

Yellow Beads said...

Oh, how fun!!!

Pigtails and Pacifiers said...

I LOVE the chocolate and pink. I am begging my husband to re-paint the girl's room but, I am not getting very far with him.

Surf Girl said...

I think I like the chocolate and pink combination the best. And I love the monogram on the wall in the first picture!

Always Organizing said...

I adore the PBK nursery set with the birds. The stuff they carry is so beautiful and well coordinated!

Midwest Prep said...

I love all of it - especially the combo in the first picture of stripes and damask and then the light fixtures are so delicate and it. I can't wait to see what you end up doing! I hope you post a million pictures!

Anonymous said...

If you need a great paint color (like the color they paint the walls in the Pottery Barn catalog), try Benjamin Moore's "Touch of Pink" or "Pink Cloud". They look almost white in the can but go on the walls beautifully (we painted the ceiling too). Just a subtle classy pink, not bubble gum-y if you know what I mean! Just a thought. I did my little girl's nursery from a PB catalog picture too (pink and green) and it's sooo cute! Have fun!

The Shabby Princess said...

Oh my gosh! I am dying here. How beautiful. See, this is why I need to have a daughter. I love the pink and brown--so gorgeous. I'm so excited for you!!!

Virginia Living said...

You should go look at Lilly and Serena! I love their stuff.

Mrs. L said...

All very pretty. My one suggestion, try to make it one that can grow with them. I having that issue with my daughters room right now. It's already too babyish.

Muffy said...

Oh, I LOVE all these room pictures!!!!

Clare said...

i love it, you can't go wrong with pottery barn...bradley's bedding and room is from there, and I love all of it!! it is just going to be hard deciding:)

Kate said...

Go with pink and brown-best combo ever! I love Restoration Baby here

Kiki said...

That mongram on the wall is bananas....I love it!!! And that chocolate and die for!!! I am with Midwest Prep, I hope you post a million pics!!!

University of Iowa Meg said...

Hi!! It looks like you're my Christmas swap partner :) Here's my email address: Drop me an email and we can exchange addresses! Cheers!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

I think the last picture is beautiful. A girls room will be so much fun to design!

Anonymous said...

My daughter ella's room is the pbk pink and green. I love it. Restoration Hardware has beautiful things too. They didn't come out with their baby line until after she was born though. You can't go wrong with any of those.
~Elizabeth in KY

lizziefitz said...

I am loving Serena and Lilly! I found it about a year ago and never tire of it.