When I went away for the weekend to the east coast for my 20th high school reunion (I grew up outside New York, but now my Mom lives in CT), I was by myself for the first time in a loooong time.
After a crazy flight and arriving late, I fell asleep, and woke up to the strangest feeling. I had nothing to do! Nothing to plan. No tasks to accomplish. I was not planning Landon's breakfast, outfit and schedule for the day. I wasn't worried about things that needed to get done. My mind started to turn to mush and guess what ladies, it was fantastic.
I had a leisurely breakfast and sat around. I just couldn't get over a day of having nothing to think about but myself.
Before I was a mother, I thought I understood what the job entailed. Turns out I had no clue. I never realized that the time for yourself is GONE. Down time is non existent. Even your weekends are non stop and they start early!
Amidst the utter physical exhaustion, there's the mental side. Your brain is constantly, worrying, planning, and pondering your childs life. Is he happy? Am I spending enough quality time? Is he eating right? Am I providing enough mental stimulation? Why doesn't he like this pasta that he liked yesterday?!
I think for mom's to truly get a break a date night will not cut it. You need to get away. Alone, with a girlfriend, with hubby...just away so your brain can be "mind over mommy". You need a break from motherhood, which is truly a full time, 24/7 job.
I am already plotting my next escape, but I'm taking hubby this time!
I agree wholeheartedly. My trip to Charlotte to see my parents alone 2 weeks ago was like your weekend. Calm, relaxing and no schedules to keep for 2 1/2 days. It really helps you remember who you are to have a mini-break from it all.
Recharging ones battires is important. When my babies were young-I was physically wiped out. Teen years- mentally drained. Love getting away. Hey-we're doing it right now.
The more time I spend with my friends that are mothers already the more I am realizing this! Motherhood seems like an amazing thing and I really want to be a mom in the next couple of years. However, not having a minute of downtime is going to make me mental...
does that mean you aren't taking us with you this time! jk, I think you two should go someplace fun after the stress you've had...you deserve it deary!
amen! I NEED a gettaway...bad!
okay...it may the pregnancy hormones in me, but I actually became teary reading this post. I need a break...me time. And you are right...husband and I need time too! So,so, so badly!
Good for you for taking a break...where are you planning on heading? I'd need to go somewhere warm...or to a spa. There is a really great little spa a few hours from me....and I really feel like I need to pay it a visit.
But do you know any moms who refuse to take that time away? I do and they try to make you feel like an awful mother for doing so. "I could never leave Johnny overnight! Never!" One friend acted like I had committed a felony for leaving my 2 kids for a week with 2 grandmas while hubby and I went to Italy. Apparently child protective services should have been called because I went to another country.
I couldn't agree more with you, OFM. The kids are spending the weekend with my mom in a few weeks and I can't wait!
I totally agree! I had a full day to myself on Saturday & it was WONDERFUL!!!
I couldn't have said it better myself. This is so true! I took advantage of so many things before having kids.
Good for you for taking this time! I never thought I would get really excited about being in a hotel room by myself, but there you have it.
About once a year, my girlfriends and I escape to a hot springs spa in Calistoga--no husbands or kids allowed. It's heaven.
I have no kids yet, so I don't know what it's like, but I am already planning vacations with just my husband when we do have kids (I kind of have to get married first too lol!)
I can't wait to hear what you've got planned....whatever it is its sure to be fabulous and thoughtful!
Great points, Mrs! As kids get older, I also think it's important that they see their parents having their own lives, not just interests and activities that revolve around children.
Amen, sister!!! All moms need a chance to take a breather and refresh. I reluctantly took my first break with my husband when our twins were 8mo. Each year since I've managed to get a weekend away...unfortunately, we haven't been able to get a trip together. I'm hoping next year for our 10th anniversary, we can do a trip by ourselves.
Very insightful post my young friend! Glad you had that weekend:) to enjoy yourself!!!
Thank you for the insight.
I'm sure with two, those moments just for Mommy will be desperately needed!
Am loving all of the girly, pink madness...so cute!
i totally agree, it is such a consuming job and it is so much work. we are constantly running around with them and wanting to spend time with them. but also take care fo the house and everything else! i hear you!!
I feel you - especially the past week. It never, never stops. I keep saying I need to go to my best friend's house by myself - but she says I can't come without her boy!!
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