
Traveling With A Two Year Old- Yes, I'm Insane.

Before I had kids I thought traveling with them would be no big deal. After all I wasn't going to let some tiny tyrant rain on my vacation!~ Landon is a pretty well behaved guy...we've been lucky thus far. Our luck ran out on a Continental Flight from Palm Beach to Houston. It wasn't pretty.

First of all the plane was a commuter plane. Tiny, packed like sardines, and minimal A/C. Recipe for disaster. Since when do they use these things for a flight that's over two hours? Cheap.
Landon was having tantrums and screaming no matter what I did. Snacks, videos, games, nothing worked. It was a rotten flight and when we arrived in Houston he was ready to party on. At this point hubby and I were looking for loving people to leave him with in Houston, or maybe just living there so we didn't have to take our other flight.

He threw a few more tantrums and I decided I would burn the outfit he was wearing when we got home, (crew cuts khakis with dogs on them and an orange polo), because if I ever saw him and relived the memory of these flights I'd kill him.

Praise God we got him to sleep for two hours on the second flight. I even watched the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Part two and bawled. Fine, I'm pregnant and such a sucker.

No matter how much you prepare you can't know when they are going to pull this stuff on you. We've decided to not travel with him again until he's eighteen. I mean Christmas when we go to Texas. Damn.


Yellow Beads said...

I haven't yet taken my kids on an airplane--I got a mini van last year (yes a mini-van, lol) and I plan to run it to the last mile, ha.

Sandra said...

Awww - bless your heart... I always wonder if the change in pressure bothers the babies...??? Their ears?? Good luck on your next trip :)

Lori said...

Yea, it can be tough...that's a tough age. It's gets better...and before 18! lol
I love the header photo, so sweet!!

Always Organizing said...

Rough!!! I'm still in that childless mindset of "it's easy to travel with one"... I'm really in for it in a couple of years, aren't I?

ps. love the new color scheme and pic!

MOMMY-MOMO said...

bummer! soo sorry. We traveled with "easy" on a plane when he was one and did good, but not lately. I couldnt imagine. so stressful. you did it though :)

CashmereLibrarian said...

Oh, boy, you poor thing! Yes, as a previous poster noted, it does get better before eighteen, but only because they stop talking to you for five years (puberty sucks)!

Hillcrest Acres said...

That's rough. I remember a few of those flights. It's never easy traveling with little ones.

Your post gave me a giggle when I read your last paragraph. It's the little humor that gets us through it all.

kenady said...

we haven't done any travel that included flying yet. i have had several bouts of tantrums in the 5 hour car ride from my house to my parents. it's not easy and it is certainly nerve wracking! bless your heart:)

love the update to your blog! the photo in the header is just precious!

The Wife said...

Wow. We flew from SC to LA last year with both kids. The youner one was only 19 months. He was actually really good on the flights but refused to sleep. My mom asked me how it went and I told her it was like putting on a four hour puppet show. Then of course, doing it again, and again, and again...

Andy said...

Have I shared my dollar tree secret with you yet? We have traveled a LOT with our little one. The worst was when she was 18 months-2 years. I take a ten dollar trip to the dollar store every time we fly and load up on a cart full of JUNK! Sometimes I wrap them all up individually, other times just put them in a backpack. The idea is to whip out a new toy every time things get rough. And then you can dump it all in the trash on the way off the plane. It's been a charm for us. So has strapping her in her car seat. And the portable DVD player. And fruit snacks! Never underestimate the power of food you'd otherwise never let them have. Good luck. I'm dreading a solo flight with TWO! Eeek! And incidentally, Benadryl has the opposite effect on our little one. We learned this ON A PLANE once. I think I still have PTSD. I'm laughing over you wanting to throw out his outfit. Funny.

Pink in a sea of blue said...

First, you saw Steve Carrell? Where? Love your sightings! I hear you on burning the clothes. You won't need to be reminded of the nightmare trip. No matter how hard you plan, a toddler is going to act up when you want them to be quiet. Good luck over Christmas! I don't envy you! Glad you had a nice visit though.

University of Iowa Meg said...

That sounds awful!! I'm sorry it turned out to be so hard on him. I can't imagine travelling with a baby....I'm a little phobic of it :) Thanks for your thoughtful comment- I think I should have a glass of wine tonight...hmm....

Kate said...

I am the weirdo who likes sitting next to kids on planes. I guess I know what kids can be like so I try to help the parents out and entertain the kiddos. On flight home from France I made an elaborate tent out of blankets and pillows in the back of the plane (obviously pre-9/11).

At least you were prepared! I have NO sympathy for parents who bring nothing-not even a book, snack, or toy car.

Bridget said...

ohhh I feel your pain, been there more than I care to say. Trying to black it out of my memory :)

PaperCourt said...

Ugh! I've totally been there...way too many times. And I'm flying to GA for 48 hours this weekend with both boys alone. Lord help me!

Clare said...

i hear you, we left chris's family's house early, i just couldn't take it anymore. i would hate to think about flying with him right now. you just never know what to expect!!

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

That's ROUGH! I'm sure he'll go back to being his perfect angel self now that it's all out of his system (wink!) Poor guy!

It is a hilarious post, though, because you know we've all been there... and I LOVE Landon's new picture on your header!! So sweet!!

lizziefitz said...

Maybe you should just sell the cursed outfit on ebay HAHA!

Karen said...

Oh no, so sorry to hear it wasn't a good flight. I have often thought about the flight home after we recieve our daughter in China...I can only imagine what a 14+ hour flight is like with a little one. I figure we'll be "that family" the one with the sreaming child and the first-time, clueless parents, ha! Have a great week!


Claire said...

Loved the picture of you getting rid of his outfit too! Andie's Dollar Tree idea is great - I have no patience with parents that bring nothing - even to restuarants - let alone long plane flights! I flew with Kik when she was 18 mons. on a commuter from JFK to Logan on the way to Nantucket - so crowded she had to sit on my lap - nasty man next to me - Nantucket was worth it.It gets better - I have flown with all four girls and it really helps to be prepared - but it doesn't mean nothing is going to happen.