I ran into Carnie Wilson at my OB's office yesterday (baby girl is doing great!). She is the nicest person I swear. Especially because at first I thought she was Ricki Lake (and told her so), and she was so nice about it! I felt so stupid!!!!
Anyway we have to same OB, she's pregnant again and due in June. We had the nicest funniest chat about kids and birth and I am telling you we are now best friends. LOL.
In other news, I have sent all my gifts, and have almost dug myself out of the mess to reclaim my newly painted kitchen! I will post pics when I am done!
Hubby is sick. Landon is sick. Chances of me getting sick: 100%. Damn.
OMG; I LOVE HER!!I'm so star struck and think she is the nicest person. She's expecting another girl; good for her! Such a pretty face too. That's really cool that you met her!!!
I think you meant due not die
I love her. I have her lullaby CD that is totally beautiful. How cool that you chatted with her!
Love her! Loved Wilson Phillips in college - hold on for one more day :D
Stay well and germie free!!!
YIPEEEE!!!! I got my package! I also stayed up WAY too late reading last night. I really hope you mean that she is DUE in june.?? I hope she isn't reading your blog LOL. Stay well ,drink your OJ and keep baby girl safe. Thanks again for my prize:)
Our whole house is sick too, ugh. How funny to see celebs at the OB office, ha!
Stay well!! I can't wait to see the kitchen.
I love your posts on the 80's sitcoms. Those songs are fantastic!!
OMG!!! I love her!! I get too star struck to even talk!!! Take care of yourself I hate getting sick when preggo!!
I have always thought Carnie and Ricki look a lot alike. Easy mistake and I'm sure it's happened before. What a fun sighting!
I know what you mean. My hubby has bronchitis and my family members, who we're going to be visiting next week, have all been battling various illnesses. I know these crazy pregnancy hormones have protected me thus far, but I also know it's coming for me. The Germ that could ruin Christmas.
Good luck with yours!!!
No. No. Don't get sick! I hated it when I got sick while pregnant! I do hope that you will be on the mend.
So funny about Carnie Wilson. I suppose when you are in the OB's office, gals are bound to find common topics of conversation!
Stay well!
My kids and my husband are all under the weather. With my luck, they'll all be fine by Christmas and I'll be the one feeling like crap. I hope not!!!
Stay well!!!
That's so cool that you got to meet her!
I hope your husband and Landon feel better soon!
Very exciting. Purell baby, lots of Purell! Hope everyone feels better soon.
Oooh, I hope everyone feels better soon!!
So fun that you got to chat with her while waiting at the OB's, she seems like she would be super sweet...
Glad baby girl is doing well, sending you lots of good thoughts and hopes that you will saty well!!!
Take care my friend!
That is wild! I loved the group Wilson Phillips back in the 90s? They had some good songs (she and Chynna Phillips and Carnie's sister)....remember them?
How funny!! Gotta love LA, you never know who you'll run into. Hope you didn't get sick and had a fabulous Christmas!
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