
How I'm Living

The good news?
It's almost done.
The bad news?
It's killing me!

Can you find Landon in here? It's like Where's Waldo!


Far From Perfect said...

What a pain-but well worth it-I'm sure. I remember dry wall dust on everything.

Lamp Tramp said...

I see Landon....his expression is adorable. He must love the chaos of your kithcen redo as much as you. Hope it's over soon!

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Oh my. That was funny. I see Waldo! Good luck. I hope it's finished soon.

Yellow Beads said...

oh my word!!! ha. I get a panic attack just looking at it, ha.

Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh! That's hysterical!

Elisabeth said...

I totally feel your pain! We lived with out a normal fully functioning kitchen for almost a year! It will be so worth it--and once the baby comes, you'll be glad you didn't wait longer!

The 5 Bickies said...

It's like childbirth...once the kitchen is done you'll forget all about the "pain".

I hope it's done soon for you.

Linda S said...

been there done's all good in the end...good luck...
Hello, Landon!!

3 Peanuts said...

We re-did our kitchen once while living in the ohouse~gutted it. You will look back and laugh...hope it goes quickly:)

The Fabulous Life of a Southern Belle said...

Thanks for my comment, Brit about broke my heart on that thing on MTV, lol! Your blog is so cute, I'm following!

Eloise said...

Love the "Where's Waldo?" line!

I can't wait to see the "after" shots of your new kitchen! I sure hope you kept that really nice corn border. :)

Clare said...

that would totally drive me crazy too, but it will be worth it in the end!! good luck with the in between part:)

Monogramchick said...

Love it! Sad, that is what my house looked like in the midst of the craziness trying to get orders out the door!

At least when it is finsihed it will be so worth it!

Kiki said...

OFM....OMG!!! That is a lot, but so exciting to know that when it is all done you will have a brand spankin' new kitchen!!! My sister has been living through the same thing with their I get how you must be feeling!!!

That Landon, I spotted him right away, can't miss that sweet face!!!

ilovepink said...

I know you will enjoy the end result. Sometimes I feel like my house looks like that ans we aren't renovating!