Let's just break it down shall we?
Vicky is so insecure she has to bring Jeanna home to see her "real" friends to try to get Jeanna to like her more. Can you say Pathetic? Jeanna was so jealous of her friends and their relationship though!
I think the real problem with Jeanna and Vicky is other than being working women they have nothing in common and their belief systems are opposite. Vicky is a boot strapper who does not like men she can't control or kids she can't boss around. She as old fashioned values but likes to defy them within a limit. Jeanna is someone who let's life happen to her and only reacts at the last second. She has lost control of most aspects of her life and is depressed and angry. She wants her kids and hubby to be her friend so she let's them treat her like crap. She loves men and gets her self worth from them.
On Vicky's marriage? Obviously Vicky has no respect for her husband, she treats him like crap, but kissing men and saying you're boobs want to come out and play? Klassy with a K. Kissing your friends husband all the time? Again Klassy.
Tamra gets her mom a face lift and cannot cry because her face is too botoxed. Nice. Tamra's feeling that when something good happens she feels like it will be taken away made me understand why she's such a meanie. No excuse though. Buck up.
Jeanna went to her sons baseball game and he told her not to come, cursed at her, told her he should have thrown a bat at her, and kept being a spoiled little dick alllll through dinner. Apple? Tree? Meet your father the dick who is mean to your mother. You've become him. I cannot believe that Shane said if Jeanna wasn't around he'd have more money. I hate that kid. His girlfriend should run for the hills!
Lynne's daughters are disgusting. When she says Raquel is in need for some discipline? Number one you're too late, try starting at 2 years old, and number 2 you're the one who has to do it dumbass! I love that Raquel has to leave her spa treatment early to be with her boyfriend. Such a spoiled brat it's insane. Why do they need massages? God only knows. Lynne is the biggest dummy ever and only cares about looking young. She is young. She looks and acts like an immature teenager.
One thing I do love about Lynne is she has a permanently pregnant stomach like mine! See? No matter how thin you are you can have one!
Gretchen's looking for investments while her fiance is dying in the hospital? Bizarre. Why does she have to flirt with EVERY GUY SHE MEETS?
I know you're watching! What did you think?
Jeanna- I could not believe her sons were talking to her the way they were- what monsters she has created.
Vicky- you're dead on. CONTROL FREAK.
Tamra- keep your enemies close- that's all I think of when I see her.
Lynne- she's pathetic. And she should re-think whoever does her cheap ass nails they look awful. But did you hear that Raquel went to a school for bad kids? And she still gets a car? and a spa day? and is not made to go get a job? whatever...she should have been boarded there.
Gretchen- I wonder what happens next with her. Obviously he doesn't make it out of the hospital- so her investments go kaput in the air..but how long until she finds another sugar daddy?>
I think this sounds FASCINATING Anad I have to watch it - although we have a one tv only policy in our house and I would have to oust my husband to the pub to watch this one. Sounds both obscene and highly interesting at the same time. We could do with a little does of the OC in our village - it would liven things up a bit!
I love the way you describe Vicky..her behavior was so low..I really felt sorry for her..she has major issues...a shrink would be recommended...
I know is decadent but watching RHOC has become my weekly guilty pleasure!!!
Looking forward to your next week post..
When are they going to mention that Gretchen's fiance has past away?
Have Fabulous weekend...from one fabulous mom to another!!
Darn - I have missed it the past 4 weeks. Do they show them over and over?? Help me!! I don't know how this is happending!!
I had it on this weekend and Mr. came in the room an watched about 5 minutes. His only comment was "these woman are caddy b's." And he is correct. I know a lot of people like Gretchen, but she drives me crazy! She always has to be the center of attention and flirts with anything.
I don't watch that show but the other day there was a marathon (Sunday?) so I watched like 4 episodes...and I was appalled. Appalled! I could not believe the way Lynne's daughters behaved. And the one who is out of high school but couldn't hack college and has no job? How does this fly in that household? My parents would kick me out if I didn't at least get a job. Not in school? You. get. a. job.
And I was sickened by the way Jeana's boys talked to her. It made me really sad to know that she hasn't taught them any manners or respect. And now it's far too late to do anything about it. The oldest one - the baseball player - was especially cruel. I know a woman, a friend of my mom's, whose son treats her this way and it's more than I can handle to be around them. How women let their children treat them this way is truly appalling.
I don't know if I could watch much more of this craziness! But your synopsis hit the nail on the head!
I agree with everything you said! What bothered me the most is the way Shane treated his mother, I found it appalling, and Raquel underage drinking at her mom's party! I understand that kids drink underage all the time (I did in college, but not excessively) but not in front of my mother, and certainly not if I was on a reality TV show! It also bothers me that Raquel isn't in school, and doesn't have a job! She does nothing and lives off mommy and daddy and they allow it!
Oh I am so hooked on this show it's just wrong. And I think you seriously hit the nail on the head with all of the ladies. They are an insane crew, which is well, why we watch!! :)
Welcome to The OC. Soo many things were true about OC in that episode.
It's pretty sad actually...
Of course, it's like a train wreck, I must watch!
You said it well, but I do love it!!
It's horrible...but I do like it :-)
Oh, it is SO trashy. I love how you put it - Klassy with a K. I always have to laugh when one of them accuses another of not being class. Well these ladies certainly are very Klassy.
I love it! You nail it on the head everytime and I love reading your reviews!!
Let's see... oh yes, I agree with everything you said.
Obviously, these ladies have no idea how to raise children or have healthy marriages. It's insane.
They all need to stop supporting their loser children if they want them to be even some what successful individuals (but,it's probably too late already). Vickie and Jeana's daughters aren't too bad, but all of the sons for all them and Lynne's daughters are pathetic.
Also, I meant to mention this earlier but does anyone think that Simon and Jeana's daughter seem a little too friendly to each other at times??? Tamra better forget about Gretchen and keep an eye on that one.
Both of Jeana's sons SICKENED ME;I physically felt ill after witnessing their repulsive behavior towards their mother;yes, they are BOTH their father's sons!!
"You live what you learn".........
Shame on Gretchen for her endless flirting (especilly with that slimy "Nugget")and her greediness of her dying fiancee's finances!
Tamra's so-called pool party consisted of a bunch of self-absorbed, fake boob comparing, self-absorbed women who were NOT WATCHING THEIR CHILDREN in the pool????
Lynne's oldest daughter is the "poster girl" for "L0OSER".
I'll be so anxious to see all of these "friends" together at the reunion!!!
I'm quilty!!!I completely sucked in!! What's next? New York Freakwives is coming up.
Im totally agree with everything you've said. And I can't wait for this week's show!
Our area just recently got Bravo and I am completely hooked. I'm watching the NY episodes online so I can be caught up when that one starts. I can't help it! I agree with you about Lynne. She is such a total pushover. She needs to worry more about being a mother and less about fitting into her daughter's dresses. And I'm not sure what to think about Gretchen. Sometimes I feel sorry for her and then she flirts with all the guys and I want to think "gold digger".
I love Top Chef too. These shows are too much fun. :)
This show is my new guilty pleasure. You feel the same as I do. I noticed the pregnant tummy on Lynn, too. And Vicki is the worst one! Do. not. likey. Jenna's son needs boot camp or something. Tamra needs to know a whole lot more than which fork to use when! Gretchen is gorgeous, but she's a mess, too. Love this show!
I was so hooked on this show from the very first season, but after Tamra's dinner party, not so much anymore. I thought Jo was bad from the first season. Gretchen is way worse with her gold digging ways. But nothing compares to the way Tamra and Vicky are acting. Their behaviors are just plain wrong. They are like the "mean girls" in high school. I feel so sorry for Jeana because she seems so unhappy and the way her boys treat her is very unfortunate. Maybe her daughter can knock some sense into them.
I love all these shows, but can't help feeling sorry for them....it just reminds me that money doesn't buy love,peace or happiness!!!
Love your recap and completely agree!! I'm amazed at how the ladies act...and how they let their kids act. And yet I tune in each week, haha!!
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