Here's a picture of Landon, about a month old in the hospital. yes the love affair started then and it continues!!!!!
I am a second time mom but I know many of you are first timers and soon to be Mom's! There are endless things to get, but let me be your personal assistant and tell you what you really need! Let the Mrs. tell you from experience!
First of all the baby will be hanging out in your bedroom for the first four months. Take a deep breath. This means you have more time to decorate the nursery! Since baby will be in your room, you need a bassinet, or in my case a moses basket on my ottoman!
You'll need a crib and mobile for their room which you will be moving them into at about 3 or four months once they stop late night feedings.
You need a good mattress in your baby crib, anything to promote great sleep! I have an organic one, more pricey but Landon is an awesome sleeper!
Diapers, wipes, baby nail clipping set all needed. Wipes warmer? I say skip it. Otherwise they expect a warm wipe when your out and about and you won't have that! I like Dr. Browns bottles, you need a variety of sizes. Changing pad and covers for your dresser or changing table.

If you're breast feeding by God spend good money on a breast pump. No reason to torture yourself! I have the medela backpack one and it's great.

You also need a boppy to lean baby or you on!

You must have Lilly Padz as well, vs the cloth pads for leaky boobies. They are so much better!!!

Baby needs a bathtub for sure and if you don't have bathroom counter space do it on the kitchen counter like me! Remember babies like to be warm so keep a warm washcloth on the tummy or they'll scream! Speaking of, you need about 6 washcloths so you don't have to wash all the time, also steal as many cloth diapers from the hospital as you can, they make great burp cloths. Sure you'll have fancy ones for when you go out, but for at home these work great. I have about 20!
You also need about 10 bibs that are washable and go with cute little outfits.
I love all the Mustela bathing products and lotions. still use them on Landon beacause they smell amazing!

I have the diaper Dekor trash can but it smells all the time. I still have no clue how to solve the diaper trash problem. If you know tell me!
You need a bouncey chair,

a baby swing, an excersaucer

and a gymini Kick and play.

I have the Graco snug ride car seat and then the click and go stroller to match. You need to have somewhere to but this car seat cause it's heavy! I love that it just clicks in!

Plus I like to carry the world with me so this has space for that and purchases when you shop!
If you travel a lot or if you like to socialize at friends then you need a pack and play portable crib. Perfect for naps at friends houses!

Overwhelmed yet? Keeping up? Tomorrow I'll tell you the baby bag I love, my pacifier and great sleep secret, and one teether you must have!
you didn't move him to his room until 3 or 4 months? This is what I did: I put her in her room and then I slept in her room in a little pull out- he he. :)
great stuff! i'm a big fan of the boppy pillow! we used that thing for nursing, propping him... you name it!
Love all the tips. I was going through in my head reading and saying check got that, okay check got that. Only thing I need are some Lily Padz and a good baby bath--any suggestions for a space efficient one for a small NYC apt?
Great post I love boppys!!!
You hit it right on! A few of my friends even used the pack an plays in their rooms as bassinets. I had a bassinet that I kept in the den.....And the swing, the exersaucer, the bouncy seat and the floor gym were in constant rotation. We literally moved our girls from one to the other when they got bored or cranky. Those 4 things were as crucial as diapers and wipes in my opinion!
Oh - loved the boppy for many, many months. And can.not. live without that bouncy seat. Great list!
Oh please pass on any info on the diaper trash issue. I have the diaper genie and it stinks! Literally!!! This time around I need something better!!
Thanks! This makes me feel great- I got the lilly pads but diddn't know if they worked so this is good to hear. I also have the Graco snugride carseat, and the exersaucer, we set up our pack and play last night to see how it worked and I registered for the bouncy seat, the gym and the swing- so I hope to get those at my shower this weekend.
I had forgotten' about all the "stuff". Great list!
I posted a picture of the necklace. Thank you!!!!
you should be a baby consultant
I never had a diaper genie or anything. I've not figured out the smelly issue but I wrap a stinky diaper in a plastic bag (so not earth-friendly, I know) and set it on the back deck until I can get a chance to walk them to the garbage can.
Also, my opinion is that the crib mattress should be FOAM and NOT coil. Mine is a coil and it is seriously SO heavy. All my friends with foam mattresses say they're much better. Learn from my mistake! Also, I put 3 fitted sheets on at a time. That way, if the baby spits up or pees on it, you can take one off without having to put another on.
I think I'm the only mom on the planet who did not like the Boppy. I gave mine away.
I'm anxious to see your choice of a diaper bag!!
oh, i love all of your choices for the baby!! i totally agree with having in the room in the beginning. walking down the hall a bunch of times a night just doesn't work!!
Perfect timing.. I just started my registery on Saturday. I think I have pretty much everything covered except I did Avent bottles (a request from a friend who has a 1 year old) and I did a diaper warmer. I may have to rethink that one!
Great choices.
For baby #2, I got sling. It was a God send. I wasn't into slings the first go round, but I cannot tell you how much it helped!!
Oh, you make me want another baby!!!
PSA from a babysitter/nanny: get a changing table (I'm sure you have one but I just have to vent for a second)! 2 of the families I sit for don't have changing tables. It may be easy to change a newborn anywhere but a squirming 1 year old is not easy to change on the floor!
I hope I am in LA this summer so I can meet your kiddos finally!
Thanks for all the great tips, you are awesome! You have no idea how much time and effort you saved me, and now I'm going to put all these items on my myregistry baby registry. I can put whatever I want on it, so this is perfect. You should check it out -
Great blog!
I lurrved Mustela products, used them on Buddy and Loopy all those years ago!
Ooooh I long for the days when I could put BabyGirl in an exersaucer or something like that and get something down without worrying she's getting into trouble. Now I stress out everytime she's out of my sight in the house because I know she's up to no good. It's exhausting!
How exciting....I have to be honest though and say my breasts hurt just reading this post! LOL
What a hoot. Such gadget use. I had a baby, some diapers, and a good carrier (I liked the sling)--repeated four times, once with each child. All the rest of this stuff is just falling prey to the corporations convincing you that you need stuff.
There are such neat things they are coming out with these days to make things a little easier on us moms!
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