Good Lord. Did you watch the Bachelor last night? I do like the new Bachelor, single hot Dad who seems so sweet. They did throw a few CRAZIES in there. of course one from LA who was obsessed with her "vision board" (don't knock it it works!) I had a vision he'd send her home and HE DID.
One girl on there Melissa is one of my favorites from the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Show! I was so excited to see her! I hope she sticks around. Hot dog girl is damn annoying. What's up with all of them hiking up their dresses, being aggressive as hell and their boobs hanging out!! Please make it stop! Manners ladies!
By far though, the most insane thing was seeing Deanna come back. Not sure how their playing this. I know she broke up with her "fiance" Jesse, but is she back to get him? Help him? I smell a rat. I am telling you I was not psyched to see her at all and neither were the other girls!!!!!!
Did you watch?
i didn't watch, i have to say i think it is just wrong that he has a son and is doing this
I didn't watch but after your summary I wish I had! HAHHAA!
You said it girl!! They were the biggest bunch of "cheesy, low class floosies" I've ever seen on that show! BOOBS HANGING OUT EVERYWHERE, WAY TO SHORT DRESSES(that looked like they were bought at Forever 21)and NO MANNERS OR POLISH WHATSOEVER!! Deanna is being brought back just to add "drama" and for high ratings; let's hope 'ol Jason Boy isn't that STUPID! I LOATHE the girl all the rest tried to boot out; she's going to be a major "PROBLEM"
I have to admit...I watched it too. I don't know how many years it has been on but I have watched from the beginning. I used to actually believe some of the girls were there to find love but now it seems everyone is just there to be on television. Don't get me wrong, if I had been single when Andrew Firestone was on, I would have been scratching some girls eyes out to get him myself. But the girls last night were just too aggressive! How about the girl that just cut in on that poor girls dance? I mean seriously! Although, I have to admit teaching him salsa as a way to win him over in 2 minutes was a little cheesy but give the girl a break! My favorite line from a past bachelor is still, "You hurt my heart!"
Oh my gosh! I laid down with my daughter and fell asleep about mid-way through! Deanna came back?! Deanna came back!!
I'm dying! She definitely should not get a second chance. Just not fair.
I'm so glad he threw out vision board girl. The widow mom looked kind of funny to me -- maybe cheap or something. I don't know. But I was not impressed with her at all... or that giggly girl from a small town in Pennsylvania or wherever.
OMG! I was dying! He better not get involved with her again. The dental hygienist was driving me crazy! I can't wait to see more!
Some of the girls were indeed nuts! I got a kick out of the name "Treasure!" I like Melissa and Stephanie. I feel so bad for her with the tragic loss of her husband.
I really hope he doesn't take Deanna back! She needs to go away!
i did not watch it but my gal pal love these shows.
I forgot it was on and missed the first hour and ten. The rose ceremony was SO UNCOMFORTABLE to watch. All those popping desperate eyes - I don't know why but it made my stomach hurt!
I couldn't believe she came back! I can't believe she did that to him! I think she is back to get him back. I heard her say.."I made a mistake." I think he is precious and felt so sorry for him. the other girls did not look happy!
I get sucked into this show each season. love it!
When Jason got the boot last year my first thought was that he had to be the next bachelor. Although after I started thinking about it, I didn't want him to be the next bachelor because I don't want him (and his son) to have the bachelor curse. As for the Deanna twist...it certainly was a twist. After she and Jesse broke up, Chris Harrison (the guy who says, "this is the final rose.") said that Deanna was too caught up in Hollywood, so I smell a rat just like you. Either way, if he decides to keep her longer than 15 minutes I will lose all respect for him!
Yes, I watched. I did not like the LA girl, she seemed a bit desperate and needed to eat a cheeseburger. But, the whole Deanna thing, whoa. Not sure where they are going with it and I hope they editted the preview to make it seem worse than it actually is. Let me tell you it got my attention and I will be continuing to tune it.
I watched and enjoyed the show...
hub and I love shows like this that we can chat during and laugh it. Great destresser!
I watched, but I missed Deanna! Eww! She needs to stay home. Boobs were everywhere! I'm already sucked in again!
Waiting for your "Re-cap" of Monday Night's "Bachelor"!!!!!!
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