
Friday Fabulousness- I'm a winner!

Preppy Sue made my day by sending me this Vera Bradley set of fabulousness!!! It has a dry erase board, a celebrations card holder and a pocket folder all in the Raspberry Fizz colors! This was in honor of her 500th post! Her Very Vera giveaway!!! Thanks Preppy Sue!

I also (in addition to hubbys Target flask which I cannot tell you what a needle in the haystack of life that was!) was sent some Pay It Forward Swag from my new best friend Mrs. New's Readin'.

Doesn't the card just put you over the edge? Too fabulous! Love me some pink and green of course!

Now, to pay it forward....I will pick three comments from what I receive that answer the question: Why things will be fabulous in 2009?! They will receive a little pay it forward swag! Give it your best shot! Contest ends Monday at Midnight! Be creative!!


Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Stop by my blog on Thursday...I'm going to leave a little something there for you.

Angie said...

So cute!! Sign me up! I think 2009 will be fabulous because this year I'm not going to worry about things, I am going to look around, relax and enjoy my fabulous life with the loves of my life, Graig, Brock and Ava! It's going to be a great year.
Happy New Year!!

Mrs. Shelton said...

I look foward to 2009 being the best year of my life! We are expecting our first child, a baby girl in May. All I have ever wanted to be in life in happily married and a mother. This year I wil have both of these!

lizziefitz said...

Answer...2009 will be fabulous because I know of at least Two fabulous new babies that will miraculously arrive!!!! XOXOXO!

Sandra said...

Fabulous in 2009: New beginnings, new babies, new blogs, new bff's, new Believers, new betrothals, and new bright-eyed experiences!!

Melissa said...

I think 2009 will be fabulous because I am getting married and you are having a baby girl!

The Major's Wife said...

two things I intend to do this year to make it a super fabulous year are...

For my kids I will take one day a month to play, do something fun etc... all day. Truly a day with nothing to do, no errands etc... Just a day to enjoy with them.

For me, I plan to enjoy some afternoon happy hours with a glass of champagne more often. Outside on the deck with some bubbly, does it get any better???

Andy said...

Things will be fabulous in 2009 because there will be new babies. Girl babies! Yay! And while I do love being pregnant. Losing the gestational diabetese diet and constant blood testing WILL BE FABULOUS!

Suzanne said...

Yay, glad it made it! Enjoy!

The 5 Bickies said...

2009 will be so fine because you are having a BABY! What could be better?

Preppy Mama said...

2009 will definitely mean lots of new adventures for us. Baby #2 will arrive in the summer, our new home will be our first big venture before baby gets here and my sister is starting her own little fabulous life with her wedding on October! So much joy and happiness to look forward to, I think this is the first year I have had so many wonderful things to look forward to!

PaperCourt said...

2009 will be fabulous because I am going to post A LOT! And you're having a baby girl!

Hillcrest Acres said...

Just stopping by to congratulate you on your winnings!!! It all looks so adorable, especially all that Vera!!!!

Happy New Year!

Belle said...

What great gifts! Love them! I also love, love, love the pic of you and Landon in the pool. Sweet!

I'll have to get back to you on the fabulous 2009ness. Not feeling too fab just yet.

Happy New Year!

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

I'm losing my mind...I'll have something for you on TUESDAY, not Thursday. All of this vacation has got me confused on the days of the week. I hope I remember to go to work on Monday morning!

Preppy Lizard said...

Such cute stuff you got!
2009 is my year! It's my year to start a new business venture and I am hoping it's my year that we become parents for the 1st time. YEAH for 2009!!!!!

ilovepink said...

I'll have a new little girl to spoil, love, and priss up! You will too. And a big sister for me and a big brother for you!!!! I found some CUTE etsy stores last night I will post about soon (baby shoes to die for)!

Belle said...

I have something for you.


Maureen said...

Love your blog. The new year offers a new start, and there isn't a person on earth who couldn't use a new start in some aspect of his/her life.

Hope it's a great year for you.

Kiki said...

2009 will be divine because I turned 39!!! Heehee, last year in my 30's and I am okay about that. I am carrying over some of what was great in 2008: Ken who is devoted to me and still loves waking up next to me, living at the beach and enjoying the peace that the ocean brings me and surrounding myself with people who are positive and love life!!! For 2009 I am looking forward to getting my body into the best shape of my life and eating well! I am going to spend more time with my family and go back to school! Finally...more blogging, of course!!!
LTY friend, Mrs. News Readin' is great, I have to de-lurk soon because I crack up every time I read her blog...I have you to thank for introducing her to us!!!

Jessi said...

I think 2009 will be fabulous because, well, it can't get any worse than last year. 2008 started badly and ended that way too. We are very excited about 2009 and all the fabulousness it may bring in hubby's business venture, possibly expanding our family, and just settling in and enjoying life back in the US and in Atlanta!

Midwest Prep said...

2009 will be fabulous for so many reasons but mostly because I have been so blessed. I have everything I could ask for- I have a loving husband, a beautiful home and a baby on the way and we have jobs. I have the most generous parents I could ever hope for and I am so happy with everything I have been given in my life- Yes I feel like crap because I am 8 months pregnant, yes- my husband is a lazy load around the house sometimes- and my parents aren't perfect, but hoestly- when I think about all that I have in life that is good- I can't imagine asking for more- i am so happy that this has got to be a great year- I hope my happy thoughts can spill over to the next person, and the next and maybe it will all be contageous. I just know it is going to be a good year- I know it is going to be really challenging, but I know it will be a gift.

Midwest Prep said...

wow- i just got really sappy there!