


Felt that one!


MOMMY-MOMO said...

really? i hate earthquakes!

Teresa said...

I am in Orange County, missed that one!!!

The Wife said...

Whoa! Hope everyone is ok - I hadn't even heard there was one today!

Muffy said...

How did I never notice you are an LA Blogger?!?!!? We should all get together!!!!!!

PS: I was out to lunch and missed it! I'm actually a little bummed! HAH!

Dugout Daisy said...

I posted about it too!!!


Melissa said...

Scary! Glad you're OK!

Tippy said...

Glad you're OK.

I've been thinking about you lately and hope you're feeling ok!

Sandra said...

Now that's a post that I don't usually read . . . glad you are okay!!

Surf Girl said...

So glad you're okay - that would completely freak me out!

Suzanne said...

Yikes! How often does that happen?

Elisabeth said...

Yikes! I am so jealous of your weather--but earthquakes are not something that I could handle. Too unexpected. I hope no one was hurt and nothing is damaged.