
Poor Puppy

Shelby was in a fight last night with a neighbors dog. She had to spend the night at the doggy hospital and get stitches in her leg. Poor baby. Doesn't she look pathetic? She was my first baby and I feel so sorry for her! Say a little prayer for her will you?


Jen said...

Oh my gosh, that's terrible! Get well soon!

Buford Betty said...

Oh your poor Shelby! Oh how we've made many a trip to the emergency vet for doggie fights and whatnot. And they always do this stuff on off hours so we're forced to go to the emergency vet! I'll definitely be praying for her and Belly, Gertie, and Charlie will say puppy prayers for Shelby too. Get well soon, Shelby!

Linda S said...

oh, dear...but how did the other dog look...? I'm just kidding....

Melissa said...

Awww poor thing! I will say a prayer for her, I hope she feels better soon!

Alison said...

Poor thing! I will say a little prayer!

Have a good day!

Muffy said...

POOR PUP!!!!!! I will say a prayer for her!!!

PaperCourt said...

So sorry to hear that. Hang in there, Shelby!

Nantucket Karen said...

Bless Shelby's sweet little heart!
With you for her "Mommy", she's already blessed, so I'll have my little boys say a prayer for her tonight as well......They LOVE doggies and she sure is cute :) Hang in there!

Jessi said...

Oh my...hope she heals quickly.

Marla said...

Oh, that is such a sad little picture...sending lots of good wishes your way!

Mags said...

Poor doggy! I'm so sorry and hope she heals quickly too.

Kate said...

Oh no! I hope she heals very fast

Sandra said...

Awwww - Bless her little heart. Hope she feels better real soon!

Unknown said...

Poor thing! It's a good thing she has a mommy that loves her so much. Also, you may want to check out who the winners were for the Stay Dry Bath Apron and Towel at Houses, Couches, and Babies...hint, hint, hint!

News Readin' Wife said...

Poor baby! Doesn't your heart just break when they get hurt.
Little prayers a her speedy recovery coming her way...

Yellow Beads said...

:( aw, how sad!

Bridget said...

poor girl! Feel better puppy :(

Clare said...

oh, i hope she feels better!! I love your new bloggy header! How are you doing? I have been a little bit out of it this week:)

Katie Ryan said...

Awww, poor baby. Give him a kiss and hug for me.

Anonymous said...

Oooooooh...poor baby! :( It's heartbreaking when our pets get sick or injured....they're so helpless.
Thinking of her. :)

Kiki said...

Poor, sweet thing, I hope she gets to feeling better soon, so Landon love should cure him quick!!!

Belle said...

Poor baby! I hope she feels better.


Melissa @ I Pick Pretty said...

Oh, what a precious little doll. Hope she recovers soon!

MMM said...

I hope she won. =) Give her a treat for me and a little scratch behind the ear.

lizziefitz said...

oH my! Poor thing. You haven't had any neighborhood drama sice the baby swing. Was it that neighbor's dog? Yikes!

Surf Girl said...

Poor baby! I know you are giving her so much extra love. I hope she feels better soon!

*Pink Preppy Party Girl* said...

Poor little thing!

Karen said...

Poor girl, sending her get well wishes. Our dog is currently sick right now as well, no fun to see our four-legged babies hurt.


James Michael said...

Poor little thing. So Sad. I hope she is well soon. Oh, and I did not know you had a dog with my name.