
All My Single Ladies! Project A

Anyone who knows me knows I looooove a project! Even at 7 months I need a little something to be excited about. I decided to take on my friend "A". She is hot, she is cute, she is successful and funny! How in the world is she not married?

"A" was feeling a little down on the man situation last year. She had dated, and had a serious relationship almost go the distance. Then she was back out there. I told her I wanted to take her on as my project for 2009. Ring on the finger by New Years! I am not messing around!

So far we (me acting as her agent)`have joined E Harmony and connected with some pretty cute guys! The most promising lead however has come from someone else setting her up. Hey, I'm okay with that! I'm still taking full credit!

Dating is so much harder these days. People are so busy, working a ton, and they have little time to do much else. Plus where do you meet the good ones? At a bar? (A girlfriend I know did!), grocery store?, dog park? I met my hubby at a two year olds bday party! It was a very Hollywood and more adult party but still! You never know!

I think the most important thing is I am here for "A". I am her wingwoman, her agent, someone who takes the pressure off and keeps her going. This dating thing should be fun right?!

I was one of the last people in my group to get married and I was daunted. I felt like it would never happen. Finally I let it go. I literally said to my friends on the way to the two year olds bday party that I may never marry and that's okay. I meant it. I was at peace with having men in my life but maybe not permanently. Then boom! I wasn't bitter about being alone. I felt good!

I would have LOVED to have had someone to take me on as their project and have me in mind. I remember always asking people to set me up and people were too busy with their own lives! Too busy already married or having kids that I wanted so badly!

Married ladies, take on a single friend as a project and help her out! Be a matchmaker! You never know! I will keep you updated on my project so you know how it's going. And if anyone knows of a cute guy for "A" here in LA you let her agent the Mrs. know!!


Anonymous said...

ok you didn't read me when i was in word press- i must have like 200 posts on my single/dating life. and you just reminded me to transfer those suckers over.

anyways, i had given UP. Mind you- I was a single mom, which means a liability of sorts for most guys. I gave up- decided to try eharmony- that was a waste because each guy was just WEIRD. NICE, but off- not to mention each was way shorter than me. I guess they need to REALLY tweak that up. I cancelled e-harmony and went onto match.
I need to say that throughout all this I am a pretty good judge of character and can spot the bullshit by the pics and by what they or how they write so it was easy. Anyhoo, in match I decided to meet TWO guys. I am married to one of them. End of story :)

My ad was up front, no bull, short (remember men have NO attention span) and to the point. Something like- if you like to party, smoke, drink until you've passed out, wear t-shirts of your favorite 80s band, ride motorcycles, or wear necklaces, bracelets or pinky rings, please close the window and stop reading. Single mom, who adores her daughter looking for man who is not afraid of assertive but fun woman...something like that...it'll happen for her!

lizziefitz said...

Best of luck! I was so young when I met hubby that I never had that panic phase. I hate it when anyone is unhappy or lonely. It breaks my heart. She looks like a gem.

Sandra said...

You are an awesome friend!! I hope you are super successful!!!

Mags said...

That's a fun project for you. You are a good friend...I wish you luck and quick success.

Jess said...

That is sooo awesome of you. She looks really sweet and cute too. I'm sure you'll have her hooked up in no time. There are men out there who are looking for a nice girl to marry, you just have to find him. It's like you said though, it usually happens when you least expect it. That was my story to and we got married after 9 months, so that New Years goal is very attainable. Good Luck!

Melissa said...

I love that you wrote this, because I'm doing somethime similar with my Maid of Honor! I convinced her to join Match.com (which is how I met my almost husband!) and she's been e-mailing me asking for advice and stuff! It's so fun!

Dugout Daisy said...

AGH! My problem exactly! I just joined the eHarmony thing... but I really feel like I've given up or something... because I haven't met a guy the "normal" way, hahaha! what is wrong with me??? I definitely could use a wing-woman! You're an amazing friend for helping her out!

Best of luck to her!


The Golf Widow said...

LOL you go wingwoman!!!

I was married at 23 and I don't envy the single ladies. Dating would not be fun out of college.Finding a good one was work even then.

Best of luck A!

Claire said...

I have a "project" friend too here in SC - she is pretty, Southern, built her own house with a fantastic workshop - designs kitchens - makes a lot of her own furniture - really nice - just built a waterfall in her backyard! I just can't say enough good things about her!!! This will be the year!

Leslie said...

Keep us posted! I am sure she, I mean you, will find her the right guy soon!! Tell her to just have fun while she is single and not worry about finding a husband. Like you said, that is when it happens. Good luck!