It took me a while But I had to share!! Look what I got!!!
Lilly P. Giraffe print driving mocs!

Green leather backgammon set from Ballard Designs!
Pink heels from Talbots! FABULOUS!
Merino cardigan from J Crew!
Cocktail ring!
In the Pink!

Vogue Living!

What was your favorite gift this year?
Wow! I love everything! Santa was very nice to you this year!
I love everything you got, especially the 2 pairs of shoes!
My favorite gift was out treadmill so I could finally work out at home, and all the mineral makeup I got!
Oh Santa was good to you indeed!! I'll be "stopping by" to borrow the merino cardigan and the pink Talbot's heels!! Too cute!!
Well there were very few surprises under the tree (but I did get what I asked for... except for the monogrammed mug) - I love my pink slippers and I'm happy to finally have a pair of Uggs that doesn't look exactly like everyone else's. But my favorite gift (actually a birthday gift, but when your birthday is less than 2 weeks before Christmas, birthday gifts and Christmas gifts kind of run together) was from Miss E - apparently when she was out with my mom she spotted Ina Garten's new book and dragged my mother across the store announcing "Mommy needs this!" It's the first gift she's selected for me all by herself. And she was right, I love it. But I love the story of her shopping experience even more.
Santa WAS good to you! I love each and everything you got!
Love your lovelies :-)
Love the driving moc's. So cute.
Also--have never played backgammon--have no idea how. Feel a bit short changed.
We really don't exchange presents (my husband and I) and usually make plans for a big date or some night out that we haven't yet taken. This year, my in-laws gave us a gift for a night in a resort town about 30 min. away---It was the sweetest thing they've done for us! Really looking forward to that!
Wow- you lucky girl! Love those drivings mocs. I got a great new dress from my husband - I think that was my favorite gift. And then our anniversary is Dec 31 and he bought me laptop! That was pretty sweet, too.
Looooove the mocs!
love you Christmas goodies!
Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh! I'm hyperventilating over those pink heels. I need them!!! Like, need as in I might die if I don't have them kind of need. Looks like you scored this Christmas!!
Santa brought me lots of home decor, which was fantastic! And the most lovely slippers ever--yes, I sad slippers. And they are like walking on a cloud. If only I could wear them to work!
WOW! You scored BIG time! I was very happy and surprised to get a new camera Nikon D40! Very nice!
Someone was a good girl this year!
How is the Draper book? I would love to add it to the coffee table.
Those pink shoes are too gorgeous!
Love those driving mocs! I got a puffy green Patagonia jacket that I adore!
ooh I love it all, especially the shoes you got. How fun!
Ooooh--good stuff, yes!!! :)
Those pink shoes are TO DIE FOR!
Kiki likey cocktail ring...Santa was super good to you, those moc's are divine!!!
Tried these Lilly shoes on yesterday, about lost my mind! They were amazing, but I'm poor. Hope you enjoy them. =)
Hubby got me the same driving mocs. Too funny...I got the pointy toe version for myself at the Lilly sale. He was like, "oh, I thought that print looked familiar." Can't have too many cute shoes, though, right?
love the lilly p shoes, LP is one of my favorites. I'm from south FL and my mom put me in Lilly when I was little before it was popular and I HATED it. Little did i know how cool my mom was huh?
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