
Bachelor Recap! As requested!

Well, the show did not disappoint! Still no sign of Deanna...I think in the preview when she says:" I made a mistake", she means the way she rushed into things too fast not in her choice of guy! You know how the show twists things!

Note to psycho girls on the bachelor, if he doesn't have a date with you 1) don't hide in the limo so you can "catch" him for a second, 2) don't complain about lack of dates or the way the show works (hello, you signed up for this!) and 3) Stop the cat fighting! (okay don't, it's fun)

I thought the Canadian hot dog girl did a great job on her date, enthusiastic, classy dress, dancing, and Robin Thicke performing for you at the Walt Disney Concert Hall!! How can you not fall in love with him!!!!!!!

Dallas Cowboy cheerleader got to ride in a blimp and was very cute. I think she's my favorite.

Once the rose came out at their "relaxed" pool party they all went insane! Calm down girls! he does have a nice bod though. I'll give him that!

He got rid of plain Jane, as I call her, and limo stalker (what a shocker!). They previewed a reuniting date with the widow and her daughter and I am sorry but she looks like an alien and freaks me out.

Looking forward to narrowing the field and getting this guy back to his kid!


Melissa said...

The cheerleader is my fav too! Her name is Melissa, so obviously I remember her name easily lol!

I like the widow and I feel badly for her, but I do agree that she's kind of weird looking! She seems like a very nice person though!

Limo girl was freaky. I'd send someone home who did that to me too!

Nantucket Karen said...

LOL!!!! You know darn well we'd miss the "pshycho bacehlor girls" if they didn't "pull him aside for a minute/alone in the limo", sing him a song they wrote for him, quit their job for him, stalk him even when they're kicked off, etc. etc.!! I swear I get embarassed just watching those "hoochie mama's" literally fall all over him! Likin the Dallas Cowboy Cherleader as well. Not sure about the widow?? Something seems "off".....
Keep those reviews comin!!

Clare said...

i love your bachelor comments!! I too am so addicted to the show, and I'm not sure about some of the girls. what is up with erica??

Anonymous said...

I thought there was no chemistry to that kiss while they were dancing...no??

3 Peanuts said...

I think that Melissa (cheerleader) is my favorite too but I think that Stephanie (widow) showed a lot of class last night. It does look as though she has had a facelift but I think she seems genuine and kind. Oh I just love Jason.

PS--you are going to love having a girl...congrats!