Organized Chaos gave me this award. Just love her blog and she is so sweet to follow mine. I have been getting some great awards lately and I will be passing them on!
As for the YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AWARD I hereby give it to:
Passion for Pink
Shabby Princess
Papercourt Ponderings
Pearls and Grace
You guys are beautiful inside and out!
You really deserve this award. Your blog is fabulous!
congrats to a super fab you!!!!
Thank you! I do believe that your a a beautiful person inside and out. I can just tell from your cute smile!
Congrats on your award!! I love reading your blog. Have a great weekend!!
Left you some love on my blog!
Awww, thank you so much!! I really appreciate that. Aw!!!
Love the baby registry essentials post! Not that I have babies (yet!), but, I'm always taking notes so that when we do, I'll hopefully be a little more prepared :)
How sweet are you? Thank you so much dear friend!
This means so much to me. I will post about it soon!
I am catching up over at P and G tonight so hopefully this week sometime. Thank you for always leaving me such encouraging comments and for the special awards you have passed my way. I pray that you are feeling well ! So excited that you are having a girl! I would love to share my favorite girly sites with you!! E-mail me when you have time and we can share back and forth.
Blessings to you my sweet friend!
You are too kind my friend!! Can't thank you enough and YOUR BLOG ROCKS!! I spoke about you on my last post. Thanks Again :)
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