
Sleep Solutions For Newborns Aka It's What I have to do to sleep!

I love reading all your comments about what you did to get your baby to sleep! Desperate times call for desperate measures I say. So here's my latest one. I nurse Coco on one side, burp her, and then nurse her on the other side. She falls asleep, I carry her in the same position to the bed and put her to sleep! I know, illegal. Where's the burping? She's not swaddled!? That will teach her she needs to feed to sleep!! I don't care. She's a week old and it's 4:32 am. So there it is.

The Mrs!

PS I will be catching up with all your blogs this weekend!!!


MOMMY-MOMO said...

thats exactly what i did with my guy! hey, he's fine now...

Elizabeth said...

That is hilarious...way to do what works! :)

Readings, Recipes and Rambles said...

We broke all the rules...you're the mom...you're allowed!!!!!

I use to love it when my kids would fall asleep on my chest after nursing...I so miss those days and would love to have them again.

Debra said...

You do what you have to do, right? My daughter often fell asleep right after feeding while I held her and now, at 7, she goes to be just like the rest of us! (and it didn't take 7 yrs) Mom's need to sleep, too! :)

Debbie said...

I always nursed mine to sleep and didn't worry one bit about the burping. They seem to have grown up just fine:)

Debbie said...

I always nursed mine to sleep and didn't worry one bit about the burping. They seem to have grown up just fine:)

Yellow Beads said...

You do what works for you!! :)

The Major's Wife said...

she's only a week, give her a bit then work on the eat wake sleep, Plenty of time to do that later, just enjoy the little one and do whatever works!! She is gorgeous!!!

Becky said...

I can't wait to learn more tips. Keep 'em coming!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Sending you a big "high five" on that, sister! I hear ya!

I was 38 when I had my daughter (who is now 6)...She lived through my unconventional methods to get some sleep:) lol!

Her photo in your header is absolutely beautiful!!!

Preppy Mama said...

You gotta do what you gotta do. No one knows the true feeling of sleep deprivation than a mom with a newborn. I used to sleep in the glider with him in my lap!

Mags said...

Instead of catching up with all the blogs this weekend, you should be resting yourself. :)

Kate said...

My favorite baby advice is - DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU! Especially at 4:32 in the morning! Love seeing all the adorable pics:)

PaperCourt said...

I totally get it! I put #2 on his tummy. He had horrible reflux and I was desperate.

Clare said...

They say to just do what you have to do for the first six to eight weeks. really you aren't going to form bad habits yet!! mamas gotta sleep!!

Jen said...

the worst mistake I made with my daughter was 'trying to follow the rules,' especially when she was a NEWBORN! I say, do what works now!

cancersucks said...

Nurse, rock, sing, etc. to sleep. She is still so little. I don't think those not nursing tricks, etc. work for a few months. My only other trick if she gets too sleepy inbetween breasts is to change her diaper and pjs after one breast to wake her enough to feed more on next one. Binky? Blessings to you all and I hope big brother is lovin' on little sis.

icing on the cake said...

What a little sweetheart! She's just sooo cute! And I'm glad she sleeps a little bit :)

Kiki said...

No judgement here...do what works and is best for both of you!!! You are a great mom and Landon is already proof of that!!!

Melissa said...

I left you an award on my blog!!

lizziefitz said...

You tell them girl friend!I love your sassy post on a rainy friday;)

Andy said...

Sleep? What is that? I vaguely remember a time I may have gotten some. :)

Lamp Tramp said...

OMG Coco is beautiful. Congrats, I'm so happy for all of you! What a wonderful time of your life to have 2 beautiful children, yet an exhausting time. Do what works for you and yours...NO RULES! Thinking about you lots, just getting back to bloggyland!

Belle said...

"So there it is" is right! You do whatever you have to, sister.
Much love,

Anonymous said...

SO I give up...what's Coco's full name? :)

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Oh gracious...I wish I didn't live clear across the country...I'd come help.