
The "ITZBEEN"- Greatest Shower Gift EVER.

Oh ladies, you know after you've had a baby you've seen all the gadgets...and rarely do I find something that really blows my mind enough to utter the words "I wish I had that the last time I had a baby"...but I invoked that very phrase after using my gorgeous computer brain called "Itzbeen".

To tout it's virtues properly I must remind you that when you are pregnant and for a long while after you lose your mind completely. I mean if you don't write something down it does not exist. I mean you will leave the milk on the counter after you pour it in your cereal, and the cereal will be in the fridge. I mean you will start a task and never finish it because so many other things will crowd your brain.

Someone (probably a woman), realized this and created a gadget that tracks, feedings, diaper changes, naptimes and whatever else you need to remember. When I feed the baby, I push the button with the bottle on it and it starts counting. Then I know how long "it's been" (get it? ITZBEEN?). I use the extra spot for my medication and let me tell you after a C section there is no need for heroics. Take the pills. Take them and be glad!

So me and my little computer brain take care of baby Coco. You can even set alarms to wake you up to do things. Itzbeen does all the work while I go around like a zombie. I love this thing. Get it for every new, or second time mom you know!!!!!


Lis said...

This sounds so cool!! I don't have any babies yet but I am always looking for great shower gifts!!! :)

Ink Obsession Designs said...

Wow! That is really creative and very useful!

Belle said...

Now that's amazing. I could have really used that. I'll be sure to remember it for shower gifts.

Always Organizing said...

What an awesome gadget!!! I'm going to have to file that away somewhere for when we have a little one :)

Clare said...

wow that sounds awesome! i had to write everything down and it was such a pain!! where do you get it?

PaperCourt said...

That is exactly what I needed back in my baby days.

The 5 Bickies said...

That sure sounds better than the spiral notebook I used! Does it tell you which side you last nursed on? I always had to switch my watch from wrist to wrist so I could remember.

So glad you have a gadget to help you keep track!

Tippy said...

Wow - I just looked up the price, thinking it would be something expensive. $25?? I'm so there. I'm definitely getting this for baby #3! What a genius idea!

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

I have heard about this and it will be on my list of must have's. Thanks for reminding me about it!

Sandra said...

Yes, I will be purchasing this as a baby gift from now on!! Thanks to you and Coco!! xoxo

Solar Powered said...

will order now

icing on the cake said...

Oh, that may go on my list on one of my last runs to Babies R Us. What a fantastic idea!

GrannySmithGreen said...

I just want to say how precious and cut Coco is! I've been so out of touch lately! I'm thrilled that the C section went fine and you are ALL home. Hope you get some sleep tonight!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I need this! I need it even tho my kids are 6 & 12! My baby brain never left me!

(psst..huge giveaway on my blog...Philosophy Amazing Grace, Vera Bradley, Kristen Andrews, it is huge!! over 20 prizes!)

Elisabeth said...

Where can you find it? Babies R Us? Sounds like something I would want to use....

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

That is such a great idea! I remember struggling with those times- especially with baby #2!