
I've Got Answers!

I knew there'd be some Mommy questions...after all I am One Fabulous Mom! (Ha!)

Adventures of a southern newlywed wanted to know when I decided to become a mom. Well, deciding and being one are two different things I have learned! I decided in 2004, walking on the street one day I was just READY! Then fertility issues prevented that from happening until 2006. With Caroline it was just a miracle!

Preppy Mama wanted to know what it's like to be back into the infant routine and juggle Landon. Now I don't want to scare everyone, but it's the hardest challenge I have ever faced! The guilt you feel giving attention to one and not the other is bad. I try to really focus on Landon, he is older and needs one on one time. That way he's not jealous of Coco. I also let him do whatever he wants with her (within reason!) he's been so sweet to her so far...even kissing her on her head. I Love Pink knows how it is with two. She wondered how we're adjusting. We are doing pretty well, I just need to get past acid reflux and Landon's 102 temperature! (When it rains it pours!)

Bee and Rose wanted to know if I am parenting different with a boy and girl. Too soon to tell I think....so far it's the same!

Momx2- I was in my early thirties when I met hubby, we married when I was 33. I met him at a two year olds birthday party in the Hollywood hills. Prior to hubs I was an actress and writer and had just sold my first script. I still write screenplays but felt done with the acting gig.

Europa Fox- what a loaded question!? Big goals for this next year? To survive motherhood with two kids!! Also, to get back into my original shape before I had kids. I also would like to sell another screenplay and write my book! I want to feel great and look great when I turn 40 next year!!! An anonymous person asked (Mom is that you again?) if I have considered writing a book on Motherhood and let me tell you that is exactly what I am going to do! The reason I started this blog was to flush all that out for myself and connect with other moms. I am a full time mom, but also a writer. The mom thing sometimes just takes over. That's life ladies! I employed a nanny at first to keep writing...now I feel like it's because I need to keep my sanity! Having no help and trying to raise kids on your own now seems harder than ever.

Speaking of birthdays, Pouring it out there and Preppy Sue, got all deep on me asking what was the best birthday gift I ever received. Well, I could say all sorts of clever things (my computer because I write...my children....my Donnie and Marie Osmond Barbie dolls from childhood....)but I think what my favorite gift really is? My sense of humor. If I didn't have that I would just lay down and die!

Icing on The cake asked my favorite restaurant...well since she lives in Los Angeles too I will say my top three are: the Brass Cap, Asia De Cuba and Upstairs 2. But for everyone else I would say "Treats on the Water" in Santorini, Greece! Stephanie wanted to know what the hubby and I like to do together and believe me dining out is one of our favorite things! That and traveling!

PS LizzieFitz, my least favorite word in the English Language is PORTION. I hate it. Can't deal with it!!!

PPS Sunnyside! The Yummy Tummy Tank Top is the only way to go to look fabulous after pregnancy!!!

PPPS Beauty of Bamboo- Landon does a mommy and me class once a week but he was just accepted to preschool. He will go three days a week in the fall.

****Cancersucks? You know what I miss? Dexters!!!!!

More questions answered tomorrow...and the winner!!!!!


Pinot after Playdates said...

loved your response....sense of humor is essential-"if we couldn't laugh we would all go insane"by my husband's man crush Jimmy Buffett...looks like you are handling 2 kids great! I've heard give the older one attention because Coco won't remember later but Landon sure will! Have a great weekend! I'd buy your book :)

Mags said...

I'm enjoying your responses to the many questions your readers have sent you. Good luck with your book on Motherhood...I'm sure it will be a good read! :)

Clare said...

love all of the questions and answers! so much fun info:) i hope sweet coco is letting you get some sleep:)

PaperCourt said...

Yummy tummy tank..thanks for the reminder.

Congrats to Landon on "getting into preschool". I truly understand what it takes. We decided to go with the independent private school for kindergarten. We'll never have extra cash sitting around but we will have a well educated 5-year-old :-)

Debbie said...

I have to chime in there with the sense of humor too. What would life be like without it?

dmmlandcruiser said...

Great Post! I personally think a sense of humor is one of the best attributes a person can have. BRAVO to you!

PS. I love Coco for her nickname!

icing on the cake said...

Oh, I can't wait to go back to Upstairs 2 when I can actually sample some of the wines again. I may need to treat my mum to brunch at Asia de Cuba when she's out here - there's really no better view on a nice sunny day!

ilovepink said...

The guilt is still hard! It is getting better though! My oldest acts like a baby when the real baby is not around or sleeping. I felt bad for her at first but, now it is starting to get on my nerves! I do try to give her one on one time, which is often hard when my hubby works long hours. All in all, I wouldn't trade my life for thw world. I know you are feeling blessed with 2 beautiful children too. And why is it that the older sibling gets sick as soon as you bring the baby home? Agh!

Domestic Diva said...

Thanks for sharing! Don't you love giggle lip gloss. It is a all I wear and buy it in threes. I once had a friend call and tell me that they were no longer making that shade...it was April Fools!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

You truly are one fabulous mom! I am 43 and must say I love being a mother of young children in my
40's! (12 year old and 6 year old)

Love all of your Q&A's! It's always fun getting to know your bloggy friends a wee bit better:)

Surf Girl said...

You ARE a fabulous mom! Thank you so much for your comment on my blog the other day. I really appreciated it!
I love all your answers. And I have to tell you - I miss Dexters too!!! What a small world. (If it's the same one - we always went to the one in Thornton Park) They had this spinach salad with chicken that I could not get enough of when I was pregnant.
Have a great weekend!!

Kate said...

Look at how cute Coco looks!