
Dog Baby

Siblings can be jealous. It's tough when a new baby comes to the house....I had the blanket all out to swaddle Coco and look who climbed on it. Had to swaddle Shelby. Lots of babies in this house!!!


Lamp Tramp said...

Ooohhh, that's so sweet. It's hard handling lots of "babies" at once.
After my son's birth my then 4yr old daughter was so jealous, first she started stuttering, then she just stopped talking altogether. Lasted about 3 months, going back to 4yr old preschool helped.

Anonymous said...

Lol, too cute!

Elizabeth said...

This is too cute! I can imagine our big guy doing this someday as well!

By the way, I loved the post about the "Itzbeen"...definitely made a note to buy one when we're ready. :)

Pink in a sea of blue said...

That's cute! Hope you are doing well and getting some rest when you can!

Claire said...

I've been busy with my daughter who just had twins - and am curious as to what Co Co's real name is -when iw the reveal? or did I miss it?

Always Organizing said...

So cute!!! Animals have such personalities, don't they?

Dugout Daisy said...

Hahaha! How precious!

Anonymous said...

Very cute, but Coco is soooo much cuter (duh). Seriously, she's beautiful. Congratulations!

Preppy Mama said...

Oh how cute! Every one needs some extra lovin' when there is a new baby I guess!

nanny said...

Shelby was thinking, "when did I lose my position as baby?"

News Readin' Wife said...

Might as well Coco used to dog hair early on..:)

icing on the cake said...

How sweet! What a cutie pie!

lizziefitz said...

We all need a good swaddle once and awhile. PS Your invited to my open house:)

Belle said...

Awww. Sweet shelby. What a good mommy you are!

Have a great day!

Clare said...

so funny!! what a sweet dog!

The Shabby Princess said...

Oh my gosh, that is so cute!! I think my dogs would do that too!