Yes I saw her and yes she looks soooooooooooooooooooo thin. Anorexic? Maybe. But soooooooooooo thin!
I have been noticing this "so thin" thing coming back again. Remember how all the stars of Ally McBeal were looking too thin? Now it's the stars of the new 90210. Even the girls on Dancing With The Stars are looking soooooo thin. Julianne Hough is looking waaaaay too thin. Have you noticed?
The Mrs.
I am reading her new book, Mommywood, and am really becoming her fan.
I went through a phase where I was starting a new job, really busy, and not eating much, and people worried that I was way too thin. Sadly, as things returned back to normal, the weight eventually returned. At the time, some wondered if I might have an eating issue. I had to laugh, as I so ate whatever I wanted. I just had long hours and a much more active, taxing job (and not much time to eat).
I hope she is fine!
I ran into Julianne about a week ago and she is very thin!!! You'd think that she'd have more muscle on her frame for all the dancing she's doing! It's actually scary!
Also, not sending a good message to any young girls out there about body image.
Too bad I'm not famous. I would love to be a role model for health bodies :(
Hope you're having a great weekend!
yes, i've noticed. as I'm 5 months pregnant and growing larger everyone around me is getting skinnier and skinner
I lived in Southern California for about a year after I graduated from College and well I lost a lot of weight. I am about 5'9" almost 5'10" and I wasn't heavy to begin with, but I went down to about 100 lbs. I am also big boned or so the doctors have told me my entire life. Trust me I gained the weight back but then after a traumatic break-up with a former boyfriend I lost weight again. I stayed normal and essentially I am normal for my age and height now but I have DVT and due to that I have had a hard time now getting "rid" of extra spots now.
The thin is in crowd is making it hard for the "normal"every day person.
I am reading the book too! She has always been thin, but she is crack thin now. It really ages the face.
I heard that she has lost lots of weight because of the stress with her Mom right now. I don't know why anyone would want to be so thin. I'd love to have a little more meat on my bones but I have a crazy fast metabolism.
I really liked her 1st book and will definitely pick up this one!
She is way too thin, and I notice that trend making a comeback. It's really sad.
Julianne looks horrible and has gotten so thin that she doesn't look healthy. I think her showmance is taking its toll and that is what is causing the weight loss. Her dance partner just makes fun of her and acts inappropriately with her so I can see why she can't eat. I hope she gets better soon and gets rid of the dance partner.
I am a huge fan of Tori Spelling and plan on buying her new book (not that she is my role model for being a mom, but I like her self depracating humor). I just read in my newest US Weekly that the 90210 stars have put on a bit of weight and are looking healthier.
All this thinness is making it hard for me to feel comfortable in my healthy skin...I'm working hard to be "fit", I have to go out of my way to avoid these unrealistic images!!!
She does look thin. It makes her face look awful. She looks good with weight on her I think.
It's TRUE! Everyone is getting WAY too thin! Maybe the bad economic times are leading people to try and control anything in their lives so they are not eating? I don't know what it is....but I sure hope it stops soon!
I know this is a tangent, but have you read "Mommywood" yet? I can't wait to pick it up.
Our girl Tori is looking too thin, definitely.
I do see ghe thin trend coming back. I should feel happy that I am only a size larger than my normal weight, less than 3 mos after having my second baby. I instead, want to be back in my original size NOW! I am not sure why I feel so different the second time around. Maybe it is the media?? And the Hollywood scene??
Yea...She's definetely on the anorexic side of the fence. And she most likely looks ALOT thinner in person. Just look at how skinny those arms are! Deep down i think that I am slightly envious of her weight, even though I know that's crazy to say. She's only passing a small piece of celery, and a diet soda to help her wash down the Adderall through those lips. All of this talk is making me hungry for pizza right about now!! I guess starvation is the new "it" diet.
She looks way too thin...as do a lot of celebrities these days, it's sad. On the other hand the tend to get beat up when they gain a few pounds too, I think it would be very hard to be in the public eye.
I am watching the new season of Tori and Dean and I can't help but think she may be taking something, Adderall perhaps? She is super wired and that could be causing her weight loss?
I think they both seem a bit more on edge too, although I do hope they are doing good.
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