
Easter Review- Good Times

I believe everyone should find a holiday and claim it as their own. Landon's Godmother owns Halloween. I mean she adores it. I llooooove Easter. I go all out. I love the joy and hope it brings and the peeps! Ahhhh...the peeps.

Easter was great this year but I had to do a lot of prep to make it all run smoothly...helloooooo I have two kids now!

The table was set the night before...

The Easter Bunny came for Landon and Coco...

As you can see the cat thought it was for him....lots of babies in the house...I told you!

We went to church, then came back and had brunch at our house. We had portabello mushroom soup, to start and then, ham, scalloped potatoes (Julia Child's recipe), asparagus with hollandaise sauce (Hubby made it and it was great!!!)

Here we are in our church finery! Happy Easter everyone!!!


Pink in a sea of blue said...

Beautiful family of four! Glad you had a nice Easter! How do you manage to look so well-rested?!

Melissa said...

Glad you had a nice Easter! Your family looks great in the Church clothes picture! :)

Melissa said...

Glad you had a nice Easter! Your family looks great in the Church clothes picture! :)

Tippy said...

You all look beautiful. Little Coco looks so precious in her dress. Landon is quite the little prep!

Glad you had a Happy Easter!

Pinot after Playdates said...

You have a BEAUTIFUL family, Im so glad you had a blessed Easter!

Jessi said...

What a beautiful family. Coco is adorable! Glad you had a great Easter.

michelle said...

Great family photo. Happy Easter!

The Shabby Princess said...

Aw, y'all look great! I love Easter too. Glad you had a nice holiday!

Bridget said...

Beautiful family! Happy Easter :)

Jill said...

Y'all look too cute! Glad you had a wonderful Easter.

Jess said...

oh, what a happy little family! you all look fabulous, glad you had a great Easter!

Sandra said...

Y'all look gorgeous!! Perfect, precious family!!

Preppy Mama said...

Looks like you had a great time. What a beautiful family!!

Leslie said...

Looks like you had a fabulous Easter! Next year I want to come to your house for Brunch! We had left over pizza. Sad but true! Maybe next year I will cook brunch! Here's hoping! Yall look so cute in your church attire!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Lovely photos and recap. Glad you had a great Easter.

Courtney said...

I am so glad you had a wonderful Easter. You guys look great in your Sunday best!

Clare said...

oh my gosh, you have it together!! the picture of you all before church is great!!

icing on the cake said...

Beautiful family! And Easter was such a beautiful day in LA. Sounds like yours was wonderful!

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Easter was a beautiful day here in South Carolina too. The kids are just precious and the family photo is great.

Dugout Daisy said...

I love that picture of Landon!!! Too cute!

News Readin' Wife said...

What a wonderful day! I appreciate your "owning" of a holiday. Great idea.

Happy belated birthday!

Kate said...

You guys are the cutest family! I love Landon's monogrammed outfit :)

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

What a wonderful Easter family photo! Everything looks lovely on your tablescape!