
Motherhood- Not For The Weak!

Mary Poppins took off on me. That's right. Nanny just didn't show up and left, also causing big drama. Now I am on the hunt again. Coco has been screaming her head off, so we are heading to the doc today to see if she has acid reflux like her brother had. She was up all night, screaming all day! Top it off with me having to interview new nannies. I am exhausted, emotional and feel like a mess.

This motherhood thing is not for the week is it? You carry precious cargo for nine months and then bam! You are supposed to feed, care and clothe it and yourself while getting no sleep. Makes no sense to me!

I have no time for phone calls, or emails (last count 735), or anything besides survival. My house is full of things that need to be done, all waiting on me!

I have literally asked myself what I was thinking having another baby. Landon was doing great, life had settled a lot. Now there is a tiny dictator in the house controlling us all! Coco is like the Mery Streep character in Devil Wears Prada. Remember how Anne Hathaway thought she was smart and sassy until Meryl threw her coat and purse on her desk every day and told her to eat it? Oh yes, that's me. Smart, capable (one fabulous mom right?!) then Coco comes to town and I fall apart. Yep. I am admitting it ladies. I don't have it all together or even close!

I am hoping things settle down soon but I am too emotionally exhausted to be hopeful! I keep thinking of my days as a single gal in NYC and LA. What did I do with all that extra time!!!!??

Stay tuned next week when I reveal Coco's real name, the winner of my stationary give away, the answers to all your awesome questions, and try to survive Coco my new boss.

The Mrs.


Jen said...

Oh, I've been there! Just remember 'This too shall pass.'

Anonymous said...

i can't believe nanny just up and left...the nerve. something must have happened to her. for sure. good luck- i hope you find someone better quickly.

Belle said...

Oh my gosh. You crack me up! So sorry about the nanny. That stinks. Just remember, we've ALL been there. I love the Coco as Meryl in Prada. So true, so true. The baby runs the show. Hang in there!! love ya!!


Debra said...

Hang in there.. I am sorry to hear about the nanny. Someone better will come along, right? We have all been right there where you are so we understand what you're going through.

lizziefitz said...

Take a deep breath and know it will get better, I promise:)

Sandra said...

You are exactly right - not for the weak! Wouldn't you just love to know what big brother is thinking in this picture. Hope things get better! Wish we were all closer so we could help you! xoxo

BroncoMom said...

Hang in there honey. Remember its always darkest before the light.
Wish I lived a little close but I am on the other side of the country. So, for what its worth, just know that this BroncoMom is thinking about you and saying a little prayer that the light shines soon for you and your family.

Clare said...

i am so sorry, the first six months I think are just brutal...then they become much happier, don't need as much sleep, and life seems to get into a pattern. i feel your pain, i felt like the first few months with Bradley were so hard, and everyone around seemed to have it all together! thinking of you!!

CashmereLibrarian said...

Oh, it will all work out, Fabulous Mom!

I did the opposite of you; I had my children very early and now, for the first time in my adult life, I have my own time. I look back and don't know how I did it!

Your children are beautiful--hang in there, you're doing great!

Mags said...

Hang in there, Mrs.!!! Remember, this too will pass.

Tippy said...

It will get better. Going from one to two is hard in the beginning. Cut yourself a break - she's only a couple weeks old. You'll get the hang of it. In the meantime, hunker down and you'll get through it.

The nanny doing that to you is inexcusable. You never heard from her again? How rude!

The 5 Bickies said...

Oh crap...that doesn't sound good. Mary Poppins, how could you do this to our (blog) friend?

Remember the old saying, this too shall pass. If I was around the corner I would come do everything that needed doing. Don't expect that you can be as on the ball as you were before Coco was born. Give yourself some time and let everything else lag behind. There will be time to catch up ... soon!

Take Care!

Anonymous said...

LOL, comparing precious Coco to Meryl Streep's character! I cannot believe your nanny flaked! Remember to breathe, take it one day at a time, and know that this too shall pass.

Preppy Mama said...

Hang in there, you are a fabulous mom!! Can't wait to read your answers!!
Good Luck with the nanny and keep us posted. Hope you all have a quiet weekend!!

Melissa @ I Pick Pretty said...

Oh, poor mom. Hope things ease up soon!

Always Organizing said...

Mrs, I laughed out loud when you described Coco as a "tiny dictator"! You are too much! I'm so sorry to hear about the nanny drama, that really sucks. Hang in there :)

Andy said...

Hang in there! I know exactly what you mean. It DOES get easier. I still have "nerds" candy on my kitchen floor from EASTER SUNDAY! I look at it every day and think... "I can either sweep that up, or write a thank you note. Or put on pants. It's still hard, but I think your hormones even out eventually, she will eventually let you get a bit more sleep, and you will find it all easier to deal with. I'm not saying I am at all on top of things. (In fact, I've never been such a mess.) But I'm getting better at letting some things go. And I am NOT a "let it go" kind of person. Hang in there. It does get easier to take.

Caroline said...

i'll simply share a little piece of advice another mother shared with me: "it's important everyday to try to appreciate all of it, all the good and all the bad."

This is hard to do when things seem overwhelming, but if you can repeatedly try to say a little prayer of appreciation for the gifts that are within what seems like chaos, it will help with the moment, hour, day, then week. You won't remember the details when the kids are older, just the wonder of your family. Try to think of your life backwards at times like this, what would your "older self" wish to remember or wish to have occur at this point in time?

Oh yeah, and try to get hubby or family to care for the kids for a couple of hours! Splurge on a cleaning service (not doing so might be somewhat of a false economy for your sanity), and treat yourself to some alone time to recharge a tad.

The Major's Wife said...

been there, it will pass, the first 12 weeks are the hardest, hang in

PaperCourt said...

Hang in there! I remember feeling the same way when #2 was born. I was wishing I could go back to work.

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

So sorry, hang in there. I personally can't relate but 3 of my best friends have 4 kids (one has 5) and I've seen the changes throughout the years and it all works out! I'm sure the transition is tough but it will work out! My friend said it was harder from 1 to 2 more than any other... Good luck! :-)

Domestic Diva said...

This too will pass..keep your head up. You are a fabulous mom. My twins are now four. I remember the first year and wonder how I survived. Best Wishes! Just found your blog and love it.

Jill said...

Oh gosh - I feel for you. I can only imagine. I hope little Coco starts sleeping better so you can get some sleep.

Pink in a sea of blue said...

I hope this week is better for you. When you're living these "first" moments/days it is so rough, but as others have said, you'll get throught it. Keep saying, "this is only temporary!" You'll be back to fabulous in no time!

AMY said...

Yes, those babies run the show for a while. My sis with a 7 month old says she is his b@tch. All too true. Coco will settle into her own soon and so will you.

Kate said...

Mary Poppins left?? If I am back in LA this summer I will totally help you out (for free!)

Surf Girl said...

I can't believe your nanny just left!! I hope you find someone even more fabulous. :)
Motherhood is so much harder than I thought. Whoever says it is not work has not been there. I dream of solo shopping trips!!!

Princesstad said...

As a mother of three little girls, the best advice I can give you is to stop worrying about the laundry, house, meals, etc. Ask your friends to help you, even though it kills you to do it, until you can get the new nanny on board.
Just remember that this period in your life will go by so quickly. Breathe deeply and savor those newborn moments. There will always be laundry to do but those feet and hands only stay that size for a short time!!

O.K., I'll get off my soap box now....IT TOTALLY BLOWS not getting any sleep. I hope that the little love settles down tonight for you!