
It's my birthday...I'm gonna party like it's my birthday...

Oh yes it is. Easter and a birthday all in one month. Am I lucky or what? In honor of my birthday I would like to introduce a little question and answer time. I'd like to call it: Ask the Mrs!

Ask me anything darlings and I will answer it all. No question to big, to small or too funny. Go ahead. Ask. I know there's still one question a few of you want answered...what is Coco's full name!? That will be answered as well!

Go ahead! Here's your chance! Happy Birthday wishes accepted too.

The Mrs.


lizziefitz said...

Happy Birthday!!! Mine is Thursday:) You were lucky to have Coco before your birthday. I have to say that I am that much older when Grace arrives.LOL.What is your least favorite word in the english language?

Tippy said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!!

Yes, the biggest thing I'm wondering at the moment is Coco's given name. Are you exclusively going to call her Coco?

I also want to know what you did pre-Mr. Fabulous. Where did you go to college? How old were you when you met the Mr.?

Kate said...

Happy Birthday!

Here is my question: When I first stareted reading your blog, you posted about a cami that did wonders for smoothing out the tummy...I had the post saved in my bloglines for awhile but must have gotten rid of it! Name that tank top!

and as far as Coco's full name...
I'm going to guess Caroline.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Fabulous one!! Coco looks so beautiful and you are glowing! Okay, I have a question - what are your big goals for the next year or so (other than being a super mom!)

Sandra said...

I have 2 questions ;-) but they are related. Did you grow up in LA?? and What is your favorite thing about living in Los Angeles?

Bridget said...

Happy Birthday!!! I'm blanking on a good question, may have to check back in on that one! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! what a great birthday celebration to have your newly expanded family with you! :)

Claire said...

Happy Birthday!!!! My question is still: What is Coco's full name!!!

I can't remember if you have Landon in a play group and what are your plans for him for nursery school?

Pinot after Playdates said...

Happy Birthday...hope it is FABULOUS, just like you!! My question is what is the best gift (besides the kids of course) you've ever received and why??

Debra said...

Happy birthday!

I can't think of a good question right now but I know we are all wondering what Coco's 'real' name is. You did get lots of great questions though. Can't wait to see the answers.

Have a great day.

Always Organizing said...

Happy Birthday!!! I would also love to know Coco's full name :) And, who is the coolest celeb you have met out there?

BroncoMom said...

No questions Mrs....just lots of Brithday wishes coming your way!
Happy Birthday to you.

Suzanne said...

Happy Birthday to you! In the spirit of your birthday, my question is...what's the best b-day present you ever received?

Anonymous said...

Have you considered writing a book about motherhood? Did you start the blog as a way to create material for a book? You'd have a best seller, I think.

Do you still write? Or do you consider yourself a fulltime mom? Do you have a nanny because you need time to write?

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday!

My question was going to be what Coco's full name is, but you're already answering that!

Preppy Mama said...

Happy Birthday!!

How is it entering back to the infant routine and having time for Landon? I am so worried about this. How is Landon adjusting?

You look amazing by the way!!!

Readings, Recipes and Rambles said...

Hope you have a very happy Birthday!!!

Jessi said...

Hope you have a wonderful day!!! Happy Birthday.

Belle said...

Happy birthday gorgeous!! You look amazing!
My question? Coco's name, of course!
Have a great day!

Mags said...

Happy Birthday...I wish you all the best!!!

How did you end up living on the West Coast?

Always Organizing said...

Happy Birthday!!! I would love to know Coco's full name :) I would also love to know the coolest celeb you have met out there...

icing on the cake said...

Happy Birthday! My question is: What's your favorite restaurant?

cancersucks said...

Happy Birthday! I guess Corinne or Colette for Coco's name...and my question: what do you miss most about WP?

ilovepink said...

Happy Birthday! I cannot think of a good question... How is Landon adjusting to life with Coco? I am sure he is a great big brother!

Jill said...

Happy Birthday to you! I, too, am curious about Coco's full name... and also these pressing matters: what's your favorite go-to snack, go-to lip color, go-to magazine and your favorite piece of jewelry (aside from your wedding ring, of course!) Hugs to you and that precious bebe.

Anonymous said...


Andy said...

Happy Birthday! You look fab!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

Happy Birthday! I am glad you had a nice weekend!

My question is - when did you decide to become a mom?

I am looking forward to learning more about you!

~DavisDetour~ said...

Happy Birthday!! Hope it is full of blessings!!

What are some things that you and the Mr. love doing when it's just the two of you?

Becky said...

Ooh, lots of great questions. I'm going to guess Courtney for Coco's full name, and I also would like to know what style do you decorate in, and what's your favorite piece of furniture (besides bed, of course!)?

PaperCourt said...

Happy, happy!

Clare said...

happy birthday!!! i hope it is wonderful, question: what is your favorite dinner to make at home?

Lamp Tramp said...

Happiest birthday wishes. My question: How in the world do you find the time to blog? I've always wondered...

Anonymous said...

Happy-Happy Birthday Miss Fabulous Mom! (We apologize for being tardy.)

Sending you smiles,

Debbie said...

I am always terrible at coming up with questions but I would like to wish you a happy birthday!

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Happy Birthday! Now...how did you come to reside in California AND do you know any famous people?

Kate said...

Happy belated birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday ~ Sorry I missed it!

Surf Girl said...

Happy Belated Birthday!! I hope you had a wonderful day! :)

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Wishing you a belated Happy Birthday! (computer crashed! yikes!)

hmmm..what to ask....

Have you found any differences in which you care for your kids based on gender? Or have you found no difference?

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Happy (belated) Birthday!!!

Karen said...

Hope you had a wonderful birthday!

Tippy said...

Two more random questions, if you'll take them...

What songs did you dance with your husband and your father at your wedding?