
Things They Don't Tell You About Babies- Head shaping

My friend Tessa is obsessed with the "head shaping" subject and thank God because if you don't pay attention your kid will wear a helmet! When you have a baby it is important to put them to sleep in different positions to help shape their heads. Babies naturally want to gravitate to sleeping on one side or the other, head to the right or left etc. This is why you must help them by changing it up. I alternate Coco from sleeping on her left and right side and back all through her naps. This helps prevent torticolis (Torticollis, or wry neck, is a condition in which the head is tilted toward one side, and the chin is elevated and turned toward the opposite side.)

Do you know about this? Speak up Mothers!


Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

We always alternated sides when the kids were babies.

I love that little love bug, just want to scoop her up and give her a good snuggle.

Tippy said...

I don't know much about it, honestly. I was always told by the doctor to just make sure I did tons of tummy time, which I did. Also, my second baby slept sooooo much better on his tummy that for naps, I let him. Shhhh - don't tell anyone. I've been screamed at my other moms for that.

Mrs. Shelton said...

I thought babies were only supposed to sleep on their backs?

Beth Dunn said...

I have never heard that. My children are fine but I think it helped that they never sat in their car seats all day. They wanted to be up and about. Your baby is adorable! xoxo

Muffy said...

WOW! I had no idea! No one wants a kid with a oddly shaped head! Please let us know if you find out more info!!!!

News Readin' Wife said...

Gah! Just one more I thing I didn't know...

Katie Ryan said...

Since I have an 8 yr. old and 15 yr. old, those days are passed, and I know nothing about it. But I do know that that Coco is a doll!

Preppy Mama said...

Oh God another thing for me to worry about! I never heard of this. Thanks for keeping us informed!!

PaperCourt said...

I thought torticollis was caused by the babies position in utero. A friend's son was diagnosed with it in the early weeks of his life. He's fine now at 3.

Bamawhitney said...

I have never heard of this? Too late now since my perfectly-shaped head child is 5!

Domestic Diva said...

I was told this too. I was so crazy trying to make sure the twins slept different ways and didn't knock each other. Crazy times! She is the most beautiful baby!

Surf Girl said...

I heard a lot about it when Boogie Boy was born, but (shhh, don't tell) the only way I could get him to sleep was on his tummy. :O
I was a wreck, always moving him over to his back. His godmother told me to get over it and let that boy sleep! :) I do remember our dr. telling us as long as they get plenty of tummy time that torticollis should not be such a worry.

Kiki said...

My nephew had torti...whatever, we called it tippy head. He developed it in utero because he was huge....after a little PT when he was young he is, ten years old and fine now. I'll get my sister over here, she is an expert. Sort of.

That Coco is so fliiping gorgeous, I love how she is all curled up! Adorable!

The Major's Wife said...

she is an adorable baby, you know how some are so cute and some just...well just are cute but no SOO CUTE...she is seriously sooooo cute!!!!

Solar Powered said...

not a clue, please keep the tips coming.