There is a myth darlings that when the baby comes out your stomach will naturally deflate and you will look like Edita from Dancing With The Stars. Not true dears...
As you recall from my last posts on being permanently pregnant, I am hoping the tummy retreats but I am knowing in my heart there will be a battle. I am two weeks out of a C section and doc says that at 6 weeks your stomach has done all the shrinking and flattening it's going to do on it's own. At 10-12 weeks I can start Ab work. I have lost thirteen pounds (only gained 25) but I need to lose about thirty more pounds to be where I want to be.
So for now I am eating less, wearing a stomach brace they gave me in the hospital and trying to find clothes in my closet that make me look fat but not pregnant. Lovely. All this and breastfeeding, no sleep, and hormonal.
I am telling you motherhood is not for the weak. You have to keep your life going, try to maintain your sanity, while trying to fit in your jeans. Tough times.
On a happier note I am ordering my birth announcements. They are through my company So Luxe, but made by Dabney Lee. Looove them. Will post about it soon!
Oh my. I didn't look like Edita on my best day. After my 2cd c-section, 8 wks later, I still looked pregnant. I knew I still looked pregnant because people were asking me how far along I was. I started saying "not long now!". ha. Still don't have a flat tummy and my skin looks like a road map. No more bikinis for me. ever. :( Tummy tuck, here I come!
Hang in there! I was the same way. Pilates has helped a ton! I actually walked around in my bathing suit without a cover-up last week for the first time in 6 years.
Ha! My stomach wasn't all that flat before kids. But I hear you. I felt sorry for my SIL (well, not too sorry, she's a size 2) because her stomach muscles grew outward after she had her 2nd baby and a year later she was tiny except she looked 4 months pregnant.
You are right - motherhood isn't easy. But looking at the photo of Coco, I'd say it's pretty worth it! Hope you're able to get some needed rest. Is your mom still in town??
Hope you are doing great with the new baby Coco!! I told a preggy friend about itzbeen - and she is ecstatic. Def gonna get one!! Thanks!!
I am dreading my next OB appointment because I know that I am gaining too much weight. Let me know if you discover some magical method to dropping baby pounds. (Besides hiring a private chef and personal trainer to live with me and supervise my regimen!)
Quick guess on Coco's name... Caroline Olivia? If so, I love it!
I agree. C-Section killed my stomach. I still have this weird thing going on with it.
I'm debating on some surgical intervention in the next few years.
Good luck!! I found the moving around as much as I can actually helped me be a bit more flexible, etc.
I hear you...3 1/2 years later I'm still saying "well I just had a baby" Yikes!Just wait til she's mobile and you are chasing 2 of them around, I bet it falls right off!
Way to ruin my day with the six weeks revelation. I'm holding strong at EIGHT weeks, holding on to the idea my stomach will magically shrink one day on it's own. Not probably going to happen while I'm still on this post diabetes diet binge. Are you eating yummies now?
I have never looked like the DWTS lady...and I shudder to think of what my tummy will look like after Baby Icing arrives! I guess I'll just need to go back to Bar Method and see what happens. LA is a tough town!
My stomache kept flattening after 6 weeks all on it's own. That's the good news. THe bad news..it puffed right back up after a year..all on it's own. Well...it WAS assisted a little by Starbucks and Toffee crunch bars.
Don't be so hard on yourself!! You created a beautiful girl and it took 9 months, it may take that long to feel your best, don't beat yourself up. I know you live in CA so they are tougher on bodies then here in the South!! She is darling!
Oh boy. This is something I've been thinking about already, and I still have 8 weeks and 2 days until my due date.
I've gained a bit of weight with the pregnancy already. Near the 30 lb. mark if I am being honest with myself. I managed to bounce back pretty quickly last time around, but not so sure it is going to be as easy this time. I just hope the fact that it will be summer and I can be outside a lot is going to help me. And I am trying to not eat as much junk! Hope the family is adjusting nicely!
i'm with beth, it took 9 months to create beautiful coco and don't fret over the time it takes to lose your baby weight, just enjoy your sweet new baby bundle, be thankful for that baby fat. haha!
It's not easy to get that tummy back in shape, but if anyone can do it, you can. Just takes time. Don't stress, enjoy both your babes, or all 4 babies...hubby, dog baby, Landon, and Coco. Be easy on yourself, you are FABULOUS no matter what!
What a lovely Easter you have planned! And the fam - will of course - be looking fabulous...
It sounds like you are being a little hard on yourself. You produced a human being...hellooo!? I would be demanding a parade, jewelry and 24 hr. help courtesy of someone along the lines of Mary Poppins meets Maria Von Trapp. You'll get back to your fighting form. It takes time. (Ignore Tori Spelling - not natural - at all.)
The honesty is greatly appreciated, though. I want to know what I'm in for...some day. :)
I am a new blogger and first time commenter. Oh how I so relate to this post. It has been 3 months since I gave birth and my stomach and waistline are just now starting to resemble my pre-baby figure. It is definetly not for the weak honey! Great post!!
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