
Thank You Pink Flamingo

Thank heaven for little girls....because you get gifts like this!!! Look what Pink Flamingo aka (Grosgrain Lane) sent baby Coco! I just had to show you! Thank you so much!

xoxoxo The Mrs!


Sandra said...

How are things going with you and the fam? Getting any more sleep? Lovin' that bikin!! Too cute! xoxo

Kiki said...

I thought of you all week....my sister Lauren, who just had the twins, checks your blog every day and kept me updated on all your posts while she nursed those boys!!!

One of your tips changed our nighttime sleep for those boys, the incline sleeper....those boys slept much better once we put them on the incline sleeper, it was like night and day. You truly are ONE FABULOUS MOM to this fabulous auntie!!!

Anonymous said...

You MUST post a photo of her in it. Can't wait! :)

The Cape House said...

That is too cute. I love your new header photo!

Mrs. Shelton said...

I received that for our sweet Lilly. I can't wait for her to wear it! :)

Domestic Diva said...

Girls are the best! She is adorable.