
Hippity Hoppity-- Easters on it's way!!!

Easter is my favorite holiday and I am all prepared!!!

Landon is wearing this from Orient Expressed...

Coco is going to wear one of her new PINK dresses, hubby will be in searsucker...

.....and I will be in whatever fits!

We are going to church, an Easter egg hunt and then back to my house for brunch.

PS today is Coco's Great Grandma's (and namesakes) Birthday (she passed away a long time ago) she loved the color purple. She was an artist and full of passion. I am wearing purple today for her!


nanny said...

You are all going to look wonderful, pictures......

Belle said...

Have a wonderful Easter with your precious babies!!


Tippy said...

Sounds like a great day. Happy Easter!!

Sweet Pea Chef said...

Happy Easter!

Ok, I give up, did I miss what Coco's full given name is??

Courtney said...

You guys are going to look great on Easter morning. Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

PaperCourt said...

Have a great one! Please post pics of the cute family next week!

Jen said...

You sound very together! : )
With new baby to boot!
What's in Landon's Easter basket?
Does Coco have one?

Eloise said...

Happy Easter!

Landon will look so precious in those darling shortalls. I hope you'll take and share pictures of your beautiful family that day!

Suzanne said...

Happy Easter, sounds like it will be a fun day!

icing on the cake said...

I love the outfits! Have a lovely Easter!

Kate said...

Their outfits sound so cute!