
Sweet Caroline--bah Bah BAH!

You guessed it! Coco's name is Caroline. She is named after my grandmother who was an amazing painter and friend. I gave her my middle name so she would have the same monogram as her great grandmother! (Thinking ahead!)
We wanted to call her Coco because I love the name. My friend Tessa's sister Courtney goes by Coco and I just died over the name. LOVE IT!

Sweet Caroline officially has acid reflux and after using Zantac (worked a little...) we switched to previcid. Pray for me that it works because she was up all night last night and hubby and I are ZOOOOOOMMMBIES!!!!!

Tomorrow more questions answered and Friday the big winner will be revealed!!!! not too late to leave a comment or question for the Mrs, you can still enter my give away until Thursday night!

The Mrs.


*Pink Preppy Party Girl* said...

Just precious! I have a Caroline too and just love the name. My other daughter is Braeleigh.

Melissa said...

I think Caroline is a beautiful name, and I love the nickname Coco!

Mags said...

Caroline is such a beautiful name...I love it. All the nieces and nephew call my sister CoCo. (I go by GiGi...LOL!)

KK said...

Both my girls had reflux--hang in there! Caroline is a lovely name for a lovely girl!

Kate said...

Hurray! Well as one mom of a "sweet Caroline" to another - congrats on a beuatiful name choice. If you have Facebook - add me & you can watch the video we made to go with the song my brother wrote called "My Sweet Little Caroline." I think the file is to big to email - otherwise I'd just to it that way.

ilovepink said...

The kids are beautiful. I hope Coco is feeling better. Life with 2 is a lot busier isn't it? By the end of the day, it is all I can do to move...and they are good sleepers! I will say a prayer things get easier!

Elizabeth said...

Ooh...I love her name. How sweet! Coco is just so very chic as well! :)

nanny said...

Well thanks to you I have been singing Sweet Caroline for 24 hours/ha

CashmereLibrarian said...

That's my mother's middle name. I love it.

Tippy said...

Well, you know how I feel about the name... it is my top contender for baby girl. I'm still trying to decide, but it's about 98% there.

I love the picture you posted - she already looks so much bigger! Congrats and hopefully you'll get some good rest soon.

The Major's Wife said...

zantac didn't work for us either, incline incline incline, you know the drill, you've done this before.
hang in there

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Such a sweet photo! I love the nickname Coco and it's so great you named her after your grandmother. I hope you get her acid reflux under control. No fun!

MMM said...

zantac didn't work for us--the miracle drug has been pepcid and Baby J STILL sleeps in his car seat--you do what ya gotta do! let me know if you figure anything else out. I'm still on a search for the perfect crib wedge!

MMM said...

BTW--love the name!! That is my sister-in-laws name!

Sandra said...

Hang in there. Sleep deprivation is so hard - I remember. Hopefully the new meds will work. Love her name!! xoxo

Mrs. R said...

Awwww..so pretty!! Now I will be singing that tune all day...Sweet Caroline...da da da...:)

BroncoMom said...

After reading your post yesterday, the song Sweet Caroline played all day long in my head.
Beautiful baby with a beautiful name.
Enjoy your Tuesday Mrs!

Pigtails and Pacifiers said...

The May was on prevacid when she was about 2 months old. It didnt work that well and I felt like I was wasting my money. She finally got better when she started solids. Good luck ...I hope it works for Sweet Caroline. Try giving her an ounce of water every few hours to reduce the reflux.

icing on the cake said...

I love the name - it's the name of a very sweet cousin of mine, and I'm sorry to hear about the reflux. I hope Coco starts feeling better soon!

News Readin' Wife said...

Beautiful name for your precious little girl.
I'm loving the Q & A - btw.
Hang in there without the nanny on hand!

leslie said...

LOVE the name caroline... we were deciding btw that and what we picked for our daughter's name. and prevacid worked like a charm for her!

Jill said...

Cutie pie...and an adorable name, too. Love the family connection...

Kate said...

I knew it! Love that name :)

PaperCourt said...

I must say...I do think Courtney is also a fabulous name :-)

My #2 had bad reflux. He was on prevacid for 2 years. Hang in there!

Belle said...

What a beautiful name. Love it. Good luck with the prevacid. Both my babies were on it. Hoping and praying for the reflux to go away and for sleep in your future!

Much love,

The Shabby Princess said...

I LOVE her name--so beautiful. Hope the acid reflux calms down so you can get some sleep!!

Clare said...

she is very, very cute, even if she is keeping you up at night:) I hope the medicine works and she is feeling better soon!!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

She is beautiful! Caroline is one of my favorite girl names! We were actually going to name our little Catherine that until the big family name war of 2003! lol!

Hang in there, sweet friend! We've done the reflux carnival too...I hope she is feeling better soon:)

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

What a beautiful baby girl! I love the name Caroline. Such a pretty, classic name.

Enjoy your week!