
Great Baby Gifts

My bloggy friend at Just Us Chickens sent me this...how cute!!!!!!! Great baby gift and has her name on it!!!

Other great baby gifts I have received so far are:

LL Bean totes with Coco's name on it!

Such a great gift and cheap!!!

Ralph Lauren Bal Harbour Repeat Sneaker- baby shoes $28!!!

I am a sucker for a personal gift! Remember Julianne Originals! Don't forget
she is giving you 15% off Until June 30th! Just enter OFM15 at check out and enjoy! Great for baby gifts!

Of course now I'm going to give everyone the Itzbeen!


caryn said...

Hi ~ love your blog. I just started following it recently. My baby is now one and I wish I had the Itzbeen, I will be getting it for an upcoming shower I have.
Again great blog.

Tippy said...

I bought a bib from Julianne for my dear friend's baby girl. It was the hit of the shower - thanks for letting me know about her!

LOVE the totes!

Andy said...

Ooooh! I am LOVING the LL Bean tote idea. I'm off to order them for my M&M's!

Preppy Mama said...

What cute gifts! I would die for one of those Itzbeen things!!

The Major's Wife said...

4:26 am, oh you poor thing, it's gets better, remember...12 weeks and you're golden. pinky swear

Suburban prep said...

Those darling shoes are beyond compare. So great.

Domestic Diva said...

Those are the cutest little shoes, I love all the gifts. By the way ..Coco is a great name! She looks like a Coco.

Suzanne said...

Love those girly Bean totes! In the blog header photo Baby Coco looks just like you!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Such cute gifts!