
More Answers and THE WINNER!!!!

My last day of question answering...not that I won't answer other questions...go right ahead! I have left some of the best questions for last!!!

Lamp Tramp wants to know how in the world I find time to blog. I have no idea. I think it's just if I get a minute I do it! Also some posts I do before hand...I am a planner after all.

Diapers to Designs wants to know what my favorite dinner to make at home is? Turkey Meatloaf. Easy and delicious!!!

A peaceful life wanted to know what style I decorate in...Palm Beach Casual I call it! Colorful and bright! I also love Dorothy Draper inspired looks. Basically when Preppy met Beachy. Hey great blog name! My favorite furniture? My curtains! Or my antique sideboard.

Jillian Inc. almost stumped me....

Favorite snack: "Almond in the Coconut" bites from Trader Joes!

Lip color: Chanel Gloss: Giggle

Magazine: Domino! I am so sad it's gone!!! I am trying to make myself feel better with In Style...

Jewelry (besides wedding ring): My new Lilly Pulitzer Pink Enamel Cuff I got from Mom for my birthday!

Life of a southern Belle...I do know some very famous people. Wish I could say who....but the reason we're friends is because I don't make a big deal out of it!!!!

And now...

For the winner....

Of my stationary giveaway!!!

Drumroll please...

Congratulations Momx2!!!


Suburban prep said...

congratulations Mom X 2!!

Jill said...

loved reading all your Q&A..and congrats to momx2

Tippy said...

OMG! Yea! I won! I have been outside all day because it's been so gorgeous here - sorry I'm just now checking in on blogs. Thank you so much!!!

tessa said...

Thank you for my yummy holding time with Caroline yesterday. She's a major yumster/. By the way, got home and told Dalia that CSS boo-hoos at night for 3 hours and Dalia said, "Don't you remember when M-L screamed for hours on end?" I was like, "Whaaa!!??" Memory is a funny, funny thing. She said, "that's what babies do", which I thought was pretty funny. So, there you have it. We have all been there and I promise that this hectic stage will be but a distant memory in no time. Or in my case, not even a memory! haha!! Hang in there, Girlie. You are doing great work. You will NEVER look back and regret the days spent locked in your house giving your brain to Landon and your boob to Lady_Girl.

Eloise said...

I've really enjoyed all of your questions and answers. It's fun to learn more about one of my favorite bloggers!

I hope that Baby Coco starts sleeping more soon so that you can get some rest. You really need to look after yourself. It's very easy to become "spent out" with two little children and that would not be good for them or you.

Take care. I'm thinking about you.