Oh boy. Coco's first night at home was ROUGH! She slept all day in her fancy day gown (Petit Ami) but the night was a different story! I was feeding her every hour from 10pm until 2am and all she did was scream in between. We tried swaddling, shhhushhing, holding her on the side, burping, changing the diaper...nothing worked. Then we realized. She needed to be elevated. The minute we did that? She slept like a log. Hello, this is what happened with Landon!
We were so tired we forgot!
How about you guys? Newborn sleep dramas on your end? What has been your best baby sleeping solution?
My best tips are:
1)Keep baby in your room (in a bassinet) the first few months so you can feed them and soothe them without being far away.
2)Keep a swing (I like the Fisher Price Aquarium swing), in your room for the nights when baby is screaming, Coco sometimes sleeps in it!
3)Make sure you get some good burps out of baby or a screamfest will ensue!
4) Mylicon or Gripe water- helps relive gas!
5)Swaddling, you need to become an expert swaddler so that baby will sleep well!
** Towel from Pottery Barn Kids with Coco's name personalized on it!
I second the vote for Mylacon! Saved a lot. I am a horrible swaddler - my kids could get out of my swaddle in no time but my husband is a master swaddler. I agree about the bassinet idea, especially since our room is on a different floor than the baby's room.
LOVE the photo of baby Coco! How sweet.
I remember our first rough night with Carter. I was so clueless with how to help him and me get some sleep. The only way he would stop crying was to nurse him...eventually he just wore himself out and slept. The next day my neighbor said his crying woke her up and she wanted to come over to help so badly, but didn't. That was a night I will never forget!
Good tips. We will have to try them the second time around!
Oh I don't feel your pain!! because I dont wanna!! :) Julianna had the worst case of colic. Nothing helped except the type of nipples I used- I had to go to bottles and some special nipple at night...that seemed to alleviate a bit and she was able to let me sleep for 3 hour spurts at night.
Sophie needed to be upright and MOVING. Honestly, I think I sometimes fell asleep pacing the floors. I knew every creaky board. The minute I put her down, thinking she was finally sound asleep, AWAKE! It was a long couple of months.
That picture is adorable. I was amazed how much I "forgot" about taking care of newborns...it came back quick.
All I have tried and had success with. I know these nights can be so long, especially when you are so tired. Don't forget to get some sleep during the day:)
I forgot everything with each child. I told my pediatrician to treat me like a new mom and remind of everything. He of course thought I was kidding and called me an old pro..Ha, NOT kidding.
Keep those tips coming. Seriously. I'm terrified of losing night after night after night of sleep because it makes me such a monster!!!
I remember being like a zombie with my first - turning on the light, going to a different room to change a diaper, sitting up to nurse. I leaked milk everywhere and one night I conked his head on a doorframe. That was it!! Ever since, babies sleep with us and I'm good at nursing while lying down. It's the only way to get rest at our house.
Btw, your hospital pics were lovely - love the nightie and your lipstick. Baby Coco is a little punkin pie! I'm 40+ weeks with #5 and the waiting is endless. But getting rid of this sinus infection first would be a good thing. : /
Love the new header! Coco is so gorgeous!
I have that swing, thank God! I am a nervous wreck already. My first was a colicky nightmare until he was 3 mos! I am taking any and all advice.
PS, she is so beautiful!!!
thanks for the tips...i'm taking notes
She is just a doll! Congrats again Mrs.!
She is totally adorable! Glad you figured out what she needed. I remember my son sleeping all day and being awake all night when we brought him home...exhausting!
That Coco is one GORGEOUS baby girl!!!
I quickly learned the elevation trick... in fact, my last son slept in his CAR SEAT with a towel under his bottom to prop him up higher. It was a tight fit and snuggly and he slept so well. And actually.... don't tell...but my baby slept well on his tummy. But I don't say that in public.
The photo of CoCo is wonderful - had to smile back at her!
I always kept a clock nearby so I began to realize that what I thought was an hour of holding a screamin baby was really only 15 mins. of holding a screaming baby - of course when it really is an hour then you're really tired!!! God bless!!!
My son was all about the five (or is it six?) S's. We were huge believers in the Happiest Baby video/book. But my daughter broke all the rules. If I had to do it all over again, I would have put her to sleep on her belly. I hate to even type it, but it was the only think that worked at six months. Six months without sleep... it wasn't pretty around here.
Okay so I know you have a new precious baby and all. But can we please talk about Housewives of NYC last night!
Did you watch????!!!!!
All I have to say is Kelly better watch how she talks to my girl Betheny.
Coco is adorable!
Could Coco be any more adorable???? She is absolutely gorgeous and I'll bet you can't wait to take her on little girly trips....my daddy always sang, "Thank Heaven for Little Girls" because he had four of us!!!
Thanks for the suggestions - this soon to be first timer really appreciates them! And I love the big photo of Coco - she's just a doll!
She is absolutely beautiful!
We did everything you are doing! Thank Heavens! Mylicon was our lifesaver!
I ordered Coco's baby gift yesterday. Our house is officially on the market, check out my blog soon. Love to Landon and Coco!!!
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