
What are you anyway?

I am always trying to connect people, find the best deals and share or convince someone to do something! Makes me think of one of my favorite books: The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell.

He says there are three basic types of people involved in affecting change. These people can cause a phenomenon if you get enough of them together!


Highly social types who have a compulsive need to bring people together. These are people who know everyone. As the author points out. These people don't see the same world we do. You have met these individuals in your daily activities. Women who are always arranges dates between other people they know is an example.


These are people who like to pass knowledge to the rest of us. They are compelled to do it. They are not persuaders however, according to the book. Think about the guy who starts a blog, doesn't get paid a dime for it and has 50,000 people reading his every word. He wants his information shared.


These are the people who educate the naïve among us. Politicians are salesmen by definition. They are attempting to motivate the rest of us to believe their message whatever it might be.

Some people are a combination or all three! I remember reading this and just thinking everyone was all three like this. How wrong! I hate it when people don't pass on great information or help. Makes me mad! I literally feel offended!

I think as mothers, or women really, we should all help each other. I guess that's why I always want to share everything I learn. I can't help myself! Looking above it's easy to see why I started a blog! Too funny.

So what are you?


PaperCourt said...

I'm definitely a combo but I lean toward connector and maven.

*Pink Preppy Party Girl* said...

Great post. I think I started a blog for the same reason. Still trying to figure out which one I am..#1 for sure and a mix of 2 & 3.
Also, your son in the last post is darling!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I think I'm a maven with a dash of connector thrown into the mix. I will have to check out this book.

Sweet Pea Chef said...

I think I am all three...but not sure. My DH just finished his book "Blink."

Thanks so much for sharing!

Kim said...

I used to be a better connecter, and now probably lean more toward maven.

J2 had to read this book and Blink for Theory of Knowledge when she was a senior. Those two books and Freakonomics are her favorites.

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

Sounds like my kind of book! I've of course seen it but not read it yet. I am definitly a connector and a maven and even a touch of salesman. And, I got your comment, you are were right about my husband. He does both!

Snappy Casual Snippets said...

that sounds like a pretty interesting book. I might have to check it out.
Saw you saw reese witherspoon. I met she is sooooo tiny in person.

Suzanne said...

Ooh, I'm such a maven. Is that bad??

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm mostly a maven. I agree with the passing on great information thing. I love giving and getting great info. Knowledge is power!

Pigtails and Pacifiers said...

I think I am a combination of maven and connector. More toward the maven. I found your blog from "pinot and pacifiers". How exciting that you actually saw Reese Witherspoon....I am very jealous.

Pigtails and Pacifiers said...

I think I am a combination of maven and connector. More toward the maven. I found your blog from "pinot and pacifiers". How exciting that you actually saw Reese Witherspoon....I am very jealous.

Kiki said...

I read Blink and loved it, I think I am going to pick up this book and read it before I decide...but considering my career, I'd say...saleswoman! Always love a good book recommendation.

Karen said...

This is a great book. I'm a combination of connector and maven.
