
We Zig When They ZAG- Valentines Date Night

Hubby and I hate the whole Valentines Day, price fix, crowded nightmare of February 14th. We avoid it at all costs because it makes us feel like hamsters on the Hallmark wheel of fake love. So instead we went out last night for Valentines day, so the night could be about us!
I had gotten us tickets six months ago for the greatest guy ever, GEORGE BENSON.

I love me some George, but he did a tribute to Nat King Cole and sounded exactly like him. It was amazing! The LA philharmonic even played behind him. Later he went on to "Masquerade", "Gimme the Night", and of course "On Broadway". The Walt Disney Concert Hall in downtown LA (pictured above) is amazing. It is so worth paying to see something there. The acoustics are the best I have ever experienced and the design is mesmerizing. It looked like the inside of a ships hull.

Anyhoo, George had us up dancing and the whole place was boggeying down. Don't you just love that?

To top off the great night Hubby made "Daddy Pasta"( chicken and asparagus penne in a cream sauce) YUM and gave me this!

Remember how I wanted it as part of my Yellow for Spring look? Thanks Hubby!!!!


lizziefitz said...

Adorable! The hubby and I are going to see Tony Bennett for our Valentines date. Last year we saw Elvis Costello...AMAZING!PS Love the bracelet:)

Lindsey said...

Sounds perfect to me! I am so not for VDay as it is. I always tell DH that I do not need a reason to tell him I love him.

Fabulous bracelet! Good man!

Vita Fortunata said...

I agree. Don't get me wrong, I love to celebrate and it used to be a huge deal to me to go out, but now we do our own thing and go out when we want. I love the bracelet!

Gabi said...

Love the bracelet! Yeah, I agree. We went out the weekend before for dinner and had a lovely time. Then on V-day itself we just had dinner at home (we did eat in the dining room though!)

Preppy Lizard said...

Sounds like a perfect night! I love the braclet...I have it in black. You will love love love it!

Belle said...

I love that you zigged! Sounds like a perfect date to me. LOVE your beautiful bracelet. What a good hubby!

Kiki said...

That bracelet is lovely and sure to brighten any outfit!! What a thoughtful husband!!! I love that you planned ahead for those tickets and the concert hall was really amazing!!!

Heather said...

The bracelet is sooo cute. I just posted yesterday about the bangle trend. I love yours!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

I agree. I prefer going out the night before also. Can be so much more intimate. And, dead as many people are going out the next. Looks like a fun outing. Love the bracelet, so colorful.

Karen said...

Sounds like a wonderful VDay! Hubby and I also don't get into VDay, we generally do dinner out on a different night. Beautiful bracelet!

Have a great week!
