I put out the word that I needed a job with some church friends and in three minutes I had a phone call. It scared me to death because I started panicking about leaving Landon. Nevertheless, I went on the interview, told the absolute truth about my situation ("Hi, I haven't worked in an office for years, have no resume, and am scared to leave my kid!") and he hired me on the spot! He is an accountant (clearly a crazy one for hiring me!) who needs help in his office during tax time (have I mentioned I can't add?). He is so nice and flexible as to my hours, I had to take the job. It's close to the house so if anything happens with Landon I'm right near by.
Okay, so now I have a job. I'm proud of myself. I even made it through leaving Landon. I am trying not to feel like a part time mother, and trust my nanny who is amazing. She loves him to death. He seems to be okay with it so far, although he's way more active now and I need to come up with some other things for him to do now that he's around the house and nanny doesn't have a car. I'm thinking of arranging some play dates for him around the neighborhood, and I just ordered him this:

I have never been in the working woman camp, or the SAHM camp, I've always been somewhere in between. I guess that's where I still am. Any advice? What's been your experience working outside the home, inside the home, or both?
I will say this...as a manager who hires lots of mommies, I have several things I keep in mind when I hire these amazing people...they are a mommy first, and my employee second. If their child is sick, they will not be late-they're not coming in, so I learn to back up schedule for that kind of thing. If there is any problem with their child, they are leaving and I have exactly 1.5 seconds to figure out alternate coverage, and lastly when a mommy is nursing and still comes to work with her breast pump, let her have all the time she needs...on or off the clock!! My store would not be as amazing as it is without these amazing women though!!
I wish you luck, I am sure you will be great; you manage a household and a child, thereby qualifying you for almost any position in the business world!!!
So no advice from me, but lots of encouragement and I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.
Good for you! I really miss working and after a four year break, I'm a little nervous about re-entering the working world. It sounds like you have a win-win situation.
Congratulations on your new job! It is great that they are so flexible.
well, you know from my blog that this is something i struggle with on a daily basis! I go from not wanting to work at all, to wanting to have my own store. hellooooo...
I think that since you will be working outside the home, and it's not your own business, you will get the best of both worlds. You can leave your work at work and be there for Logan when you are hom I think that is essential. I don't think you will feel like a part time mom.
Congrats on getting the job by the way! :)
I went from working so much that I was never home (hated it), to, stay at home full time. I could never find that happy in-between. I don't know the answer and really can't give any advice but you've obviously prayed about it and God opened a door. However, if it doesn't work out, find another job. Anyone would hire you! You're fabulous!
Congratulations on getting the job! I am not a mommy, but I can only imagine how difficult it would be to leave your son - but I do think it's great that you are doing something for yourself. You deserve it and the extra cash will be nice I'm sure!
Congrats again! :)
Congratulations! I'm a full time mom and full time lawyer and I love both things. The two essentials (obviously) are: (1)an employer who understands that you are a mom first; and (2) reliable child care that makes your baby happy. And it sounds like you have both - so enjoy!
Congrats on the job! Sounds exciting. I will one day re-join the work force again!!
Congrats! :)
WOO HOO!! I am a full time mommy and a full time manager at Gap. The key word is BALANCE and knowing your priorities. The rest will follow naturally. What a fantastic opportunity for you:) If you need anything, let me know... I am full of experience and advice, but also a good listener. Keep us posted on how things go.
Congrats! I'm sure everything will be fine and it sounds like your new boss will be great and flexible to work with. Good for you!
Congratulations! I am glad that things came together for you! Landon's new play set looks like fun!
I was a part time nanny during undergrad. I love the kids that I nannyed for and thought of them as my own. I am sure that your nanny feels the same way. I am still in touch with the family and the girls were the flower girls in my wedding.
Good luck to you in your new job! It's awesome that you have a flexible situation. I know that would be the hardest thing for me. I wish I could give you some advice, but I started spitting these kids out at 19 and have stayed home ever since!
congrats! I work a whopping 6 hours a week at The Pine Needle and monogram for them. everyone laughs but i would be crazy at home all the time. i actually get more done at home by getting away..to work. i haven't sent landon's shirts. i decided they weren't as fabulous as i wanted them to be and was going to do a third. be patient..i am so slow...
Congrats! I have just started working again after being home for almost 4 years and I love it. I am wondering why I have not gone back sooner. I have a great girl helping me that my daughter loves, so I think it is a win win for everyone. I love getting dressed in the am and having adult conversations. My job is flexible, which is nice. I am getting a little anxious on how the summer will go. Best of luck to you!
I have been back at work part-time for the last few months (was a SAHM for 16+ years!!!) and it has been a transition and not one that DH and I are completely convinced is long term...though the pay check feels kind of cool!!!
Congrats! It will be fun to dress up and have adult conversation again won't it? You're lucky your son is already used to his sitter, the nanny. That has to ease your mind. My 3 yo starts preschool 3 hrs a day/3 days a week in the fall so I may consider looking for a part time job myself.
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