
Tuesdays Mom is full of GRATITUDE

I could post about How Landon has gone from fever to PUKING, but since I have been a little complainy lately, I am instead going to post something about all the great things in my life.

I live in California and it's 80 degrees this week. I have a house with a pool. I have a lemon tree, an avocado tree, and an orange tree that bear the most delicious fruit. I live in a town where celebrity sightings are the rule rather than the exception, helping to curb my habit of buying US weekly.

My husband is adorable, funny and loves our son to death. He believes in me when I don't. He plays the drums, cooks gourmet meals, and can fix anything. He's a genius.

My son is a miracle who spent 52 days in the hospital and still smiles every day. He is sweet and snuggly and loves his Mama.

I am a writer and I get to be creative every day whether blogging or screen writing. I have sold a script and have a new one that (now that the writers strike is over) will sell.

Last, I feel balanced. I work out, read, watch TV, teach Sunday school, write, cook, do mommy and me gymnastics with Landon, have lunch with friends, and scrap book the heck out of everything. I have a great family, fun and understanding friends, an amazing church, and fabulous neighbors. A full life!

What are you grateful for?


Kiki said...

You are truly fabulous, what a wonderful way to count your blessings.

Blessings include:
1. A husband who loves me, and is kind and compassionate
2. Sisters who let me love on their kids as if they were my own
3. A warm home, lots of family and plenty of love to go around.

I killed my two Meyer lemon trees when I left them out and we had a frost here in SC. Who knew...I loved these trees and am so disappointed in myself. I'll try again next year!!!

Tickled Pink And Green said...

Sounds like you have a wonderful life! And I want to hear more about this screenwriting thing - what are you working on? Is it a secret? That is fascinating.

I thought about you a few days ago because I had my own "celebrity sighting" and they are rare in this town (duh). I was taking my daughter to the YMCA for her basketball practice and we saw Pat Smith - Emmitt Smith's beautiful wife who by the way use to be married to the actor Martin Lawrence. My daughter has actually played her daughter in soccer.

Anyway, I wish I had as many celebrity sightings as you!

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

You are so smart to turn a negative into so many positives. I am sure it made you feel better after writing this rather than writing something on the down-side. It was uplifting for me to read this!

Lindsey said...

Great post! I was listening to talk radio the other day and they were talking about the American Dream and how people equate it with material things, not actual aspects of life that make you happy.

I would have to say that a lot of the things you wrote about ring true with me. I am so so grateful to have a gorgeous daughter who loves me, is smart (okay, I know all moms say that, but she is!), funny and can light me up, even when she gets up at 530am!

lizziefitz said...

Life is Good! I adore my husband of 17 years! My four kids bring me more Joy than I ever thought possible. I believe EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Blogging has opened a whole new world to me. and... I feel God in my life daily.P.S I guess we know what was lurking around Landon's fever...Stomach bug. I will pray he has a speedy recovery.

Respectfully Submitted said...

What a greast post - I just started reading your blog a weeks or two ago and I really enjoy it. Even more so now that I know you're a writer who has sold a script - and you have an avacado tree - I am totally jealous! I too have an 18 month old (a little girl named Susan) who is the light of my life so I enjoy reading about your little boy. I'm also grateful for my handsome, tall, kind and loving husband, and I have an artichoke plant (but I still want an avocado tree)

Kim said...

Yay! The writer's strike is over!

Steel Magnolia said...

so very true...well said. so grateful for my wonderful husband and 3 beautiful boys. Love your blog! I was a Theta also!

Belle said...

Beautifully said. I'm so happy for you and your life. It IS full!
Poor baby Landon. :( Puking is no fun for him or you. Hope he feels better soon.
I'm also grateful for my life,
my husband who supports me in every way and has made it possible for me to stay home with my boys, and of course the apples of my eye, my sweet baby boys. God is good!

Preppy Lizard said...

What a great post! Thanks for making me stop, smile and think about things I am grateful for on this blah day here at home.

Cindy said...

One of the things I like best about blogs is that they give you a place to record all that is wonderful. Your life sounds great, but what's really great is that you appreciate it.

Kiki: To avoid the frost killing our Meyer lemon tree we string little white Christmas-type lights in it and then turn them on when we think we're going to have a cold enough night. The heat from the lights is just enough to keep the plant warm, and it looks really pretty. Those lemons are just about the best thing in the world, aren't they?

Karen said...

What a wonderful post! And a reminder to us all to stop and give thanks. I must say I am jealous of your 80 degree weather, it's cold and snowing here. How exciting you're a screen writer, would love to hear more, sounds very interesting. Have a wonderful week!


PS. I am grateful for a wonderful Hubby and a great family.

Suzanne said...

Simply put...a happy and healthy family! Life is good.

kenady said...

Grateful for loving husband, fabulous kids, a great dog, Charleston, friends, family, my house, my car... gosh, the list could go on and might be the longest run on sentence in the history of the world:)

YAY! The writer's strike is over!

Pigtails and Pacifiers said...

You are a wonderful mom/wife/woman. Way to look at the positive side of life. I am blessed to have a great husband, two kids who adore me, a great church family, and so much more.

Lori said...

Your life is full and that is wonderful!
I wish I had those fruit trees! :)

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

One of my favorite quotes is, "Count your blessings. You've got a million of them!" It is so true!