
Fabulous Friday- Recipe

Hubby and I made this last night and it was soooooooooooooooo good! I just went through my recipe book and FINALLY (hello writers strike boredom) went through everything and threw out half of the stuff. This however was something from 2005! I always wanted to try it and we did YUM!!! I am full of recipes this week!

It was from Coastal Living magazine. I love this magazine so much. The covers make me excited to live in California!

Penne with shrimp in a peanut sauce. We prepped while Landon had a baba and baby Einstein. Then after his bath and bedtime we had our dinner and WINE thank you very much. We even watched the first half of The Last King of Scotland. Good so far...not too violent yet!


8 ounces uncooked penne
1 pound peeled and deveined shrimp
1 cup julienne-cut carrots
2 garlic cloves
1 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1/3 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup water
1 tablespoon dark sesame oil
1 teaspoon chili oil
1 large cucumber, halved, seeded, and sliced
1/2 (10-ounce) package edamame (about 1 cup)
Cook pasta in boiling salted water according to package directions. Two minutes before pasta is al dente, add shrimp and carrot. Cook 2 minutes or until shrimp are done. Drain.

Process garlic in a blender or food processor until finely chopped. Add cilantro and next 5 ingredients; process until smooth.

Toss cooked pasta, cucumber, edamame and dressing in a large bowl. Cover and chill at least 2 hours before serving.

We watched No Country for Old Men last week. Too scary for me. I had nightmares all night long. Ever since I had Landon scary movies have no place in my life. I seriously don't want this stuff in my head! Am I alone in this?


Paul-ene said...

Looks like a delish dish!

I like your star sightings!

Your superbowl meal plan looks yummy too. I am having the inlaws over for superbowl sunday. We are having basics(junkfood). Sloppy joes, Chip and Dip, veggie tray, and pizza rolls and cookies and junk junk junk. Hee! Well it's the best time to eat that stuff right?

workinthatpreppy said...

yummy....i love a couple that cooks together....precious

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

That looks delicious! Thanks for sharing!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

That looks delicious! Thanks for sharing!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

I've made a very similar recipe with vermicelli, it was great! I will try this one because I love anything with peanut sauce!

BTW- LKOS was a great movie but you might want to turn your head a few times toward the end... just a friendly heads-up. I just realized since you mentioned the movie that the young doctor is also in Atonement... I was racking my brain while watching it and then forgot about it as I knew I had seen him in another movie! Thanks! :)

Preppy Lizard said...

Yum! I am making that recipe next week when the hubby is out of town skiing (he doesn't like shrimp).

Thanks for the comments on my Master bedroom. The nightstands are from Bombay Company. If they are still in business around you, you might be able to pick them up REALLY REALLY cheap since they are going out of business.

I LOVE your celebrity sightings...so great!

Mrs of the Regiment said...

The recipe looks really yummy.

Can sympathise with you about the movie, my husband really wants to go, but I am not very keen.

Kiki said...

Yummy, I like anything in Peanut Sauce as well. You are not alone in your scary movie aversion, but I've never had children...and I can't watch a one! My mom once told me, "Your mind isn't a dishwasher, be careful what you watch." I have lived by that credo, she is right, things that I wish I hadn't seen are stuck permanently in review. UGH!

kenady said...

This actually sounds like a recipe that my daughter might like (she's allergic to milk). Thanks for posting it... will have to give a whirl on our next menu.

Love the Celebrity Sightings!

Oh, and I can't watch scary movies either. My husband LOVES them and tries to sneak them in whenever he can. Enjoy your grown up movies now, because soon enough you will only be watching cartoon/disney movies... our new favorites are Ratatouille and Night at the Museum:)

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

You are definitely not alone when it comes to scary movies! You said it best... I do not want them in my head! Luckily my in-laws warned me about No Country...