
Starter Kid

I know you've heard this term before. I use it to refer to people who aren't ready for a baby just yet, so instead they get a dog to practice their parenting on! Such is the case for our best friends. They came to dinner last night and brought their new dog Wolfie. Excuse me, Fu Shih Wolfie. That's his full name, the handsome guy. He really is so sweet.

They got him from this amazing group on line called Second Chance Animal Aid in Shanghai China, who rescues dogs in China and finds Americans to bring them over to their new parents! They looked at dogs here but this kind of fell into their laps and was obviously meant to be. They are in love with this dog for sure!

Through this organization you can foster a pet until it gets a permanent home, adopt, or donate. A really wonderful idea. Go there and check it out!

I had a special Asian themed dinner in honor of Wolfies arrival in the states. Notice the sushi candles in the center and chinese lanterns above!!! We had Orange Chicken, sesame rice, and broccolini. I served Sake and Japanese beer too!

What a fun night!


Preppy Lizard said...

Love it! That i so great and so sweet that you had a chinese themes dinner/decor for the puppy's homecoming. I also love your chandelies...VERY CUTE!

Kiki said...

Mrs., Your decorating is so thoughtful and the dinner sounded delicious!!! Congrats to your friends and their new puppy, what a joy!!! I loved those sushi candles-so stinking cute!!

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwww! He's so cute! You were so sweet to theme dinner in his honor. :)

The Adventures of Maverick & the Mrs. said...

How cute! What a thoughtful friend you are to go out of your way for the new parents! My husband forbade me to adopt any more animals when he deployed, so I've still just got the one. I did start feeding a little kitten who showed up in our yard in Washington at the beginning of the summer, but he left and never returned. I was rather surprised because I gave him little treats of Muenster cheese! Who can turn that down?! Have a super rest of the weekend!

workinthatpreppy said...

You are precious to host a dinner for the new arrival...lucky dog! he will be sooo loved:o) I have landon two shirts ready...they're okay...not fantastic...e-mail me your address and i'll ship them off!

Anonymous said...

You are too cute - love your light fixture too!

Mrs.Preppy said...

Looks like a fun party!

Sheri said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog last week and leaving such a sweet comment! Love the Chinese theme for your dinner party. We're getting geared up over here to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Hope you have a great week.

Beth said...

Your dinner looked perfect! Such cute touches...loved the little lanterns! Such a sweet little puppy:)

Beth said...

Your dinner looked perfect! Such cute touches...loved the little lanterns! Such a sweet little puppy:)